Wedding Skincare Prep: How I’m Getting My Skin Wedding Ready

When I did a questions sticker on my Instagram a couple weeks ago asking what blog posts everyone wanted to see, the top request was for my wedding skincare prep and how I’m getting my skin wedding ready. I want to start this post by saying, every single person’s skin is “wedding ready.” Just because you’re getting married doesn’t mean you need to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on your appearance. But like almost everything, if you’d like to make a change to your appearance, please make sure you’re truly doing it for you, and not for anyone else!

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My skin on 6/5/21

This is the approach I’ve been taking with my wedding skincare prep. I’m truly doing it for me and am addressing things that have bothered me for years. It’s also worth noting that this is the plan I’ve made with my aesthetician, Alexis Robertson (check her site out here if you’re located near Boston; she’s amazing!). It doesn’t necessarily mean it will be the plan that’s right for you! I recommend scheduling an appointment with an aesthetician (Alexis also does virtual consults if that sort of thing interests you).

When March 1st hit, it was like an alarm started ringing saying, “Hey girl, you have this wedding coming up in August… gotta get your butt in gear.” I spent almost all fall and winter (like most 2020/2021 brides) not really knowing if your wedding would happen in August, so a lot of my planning had been procrastinated or put on hold. March 1st was around the time that Maine (where I’m having my wedding) released updated wedding guidelines making it seem like our wedding would be moving ahead, and this is when I really started getting excited to plan again, full steam ahead!

My skin’s appearance has never been something that’s come easy to me. In middle school, high school, and college I dealt with acne and leftover scarring (from picking – don’t do it!! Plus scarring from the breakouts themselves). Even with makeup on, I never felt 100% confident in my skin. I was that girl that would wear makeup to the gym. Post-college, my skin started clearing up – probably because my hormones were leveling out, I was drinking less, and I was also eating a much healthier diet with less processed foods and learned to actually like vegetables.

How I’m Getting My Skin Wedding Ready

In the past couple years, my skin has probably been the best it’s ever been. Most likely because I’ve been continuing to eat fairly healthy and have been on a consistent skincare routine for the first time in my life. I had finally stopped jumping from product to product and was on a consistent skincare routine. But, from around May 2020 to February 2021 I was dealing with a toxic work environment and major burnout, working 12-14+ hour days, Monday to Friday. Feeling stressed and anxious to a point where I was starting to feel physically sick. The stress and burnout was absolutely showing in my skin and it looked dull, congested, red, and I was experiencing some breakouts around my chin area. Basically, my skin looked angry and stressed out. 

After watching her work on Instagram for years, in March 2020, I finally sought out Alexis and scheduled a virtual consult. My biggest reason for starting to work with Alexis was that I felt like I had done all I could do on my own for my skin and it was leveling out – not getting any better (*sigh*), not getting any worse. I wanted help from a professional to take it a step further and finally see the results I’d been hoping for.

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My “before” skin on 3/8/21
wedding skincare prep | how I'm getting my skin wedding ready | wedding skincare routine | wedding skincare | how to prep your skin for your wedding | wedding skincare timeline
My “before” skin on 3/8/21

When I started working with Alexis it was both humbling and empowering. On one hand, we all think we’re experts and that we’re using the correct products, when in fact, we’re not. But on the other hand, it’s empowering, because you have someone who is a professional, who does this for a living, and who completely changes your mindset about your skin and what you should be doing for it.

Alexis takes a unique approach where she wants to empower you to learn about your skin. Much of the work we’ve been doing on my skin has been home care, while I’ve also been sprinkling in treatments. I actually prefer this because long term, after my wedding, it’s not realistic that I go into her office every two weeks for treatments. I’d rather someone teach me what products to use at home, while also sprinkling in treatments here and there.

I started my wedding skincare prep 5 months out from my wedding. There are so many varying opinions about this online; some say you should start 1 year prior to your wedding, some say 6 months. Anything earlier than 6 months wasn’t realistic for me because of COVID. I didn’t feel super comfortable about the idea of getting treatments during this time and many spas, aesthetician offices, etc. weren’t open anyway. If you’re trying to get your skin in wedding shape, I would say do what feels right to you. Assess your skin and what level of results you’re looking for and plan accordingly.

Also, worth noting that it can be very EXPENSIVE. In the spirit of transparency (and not to depress you), these results are after spending thousands of dollars on my skin. I could not have afforded to do a year’s worth of wedding skincare prep, so I’m happy with my decision of 5 months worth of prep. Do what feels right to you! Here’s a timeline of what skincare treatments I’ve received so far and my plans for the future!

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My “before” skin on 3/8/21

Step 1: Virtual Consult with my Aesthetician

3/8/21 (5 months out from my wedding)

I had a virtual consult with my aesthetician, Alexis, to talk through what I was currently using for products, my goals for my skin, what’s achievable, etc. I also sent her photos of my skin (completely unedited, makeup free, of course). Even from just a virtual consult and photos, she was able to recommend new skincare products and even dropped them off at my apartment that evening so I could begin my skincare regimen immediately 🙏🏻 . The only skincare product that she was comfortable with me continuing to use from my old skincare routine was my cleanser.

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My skin on 3/20/21. No treatments yet, just a new skincare routine!

Step 2: IPL Treatment (Intense Pulsed Light)

3/24/21 (5 months out from my wedding)

I had one particularly pesky dark spot that I have had for at least 5+ years and has gotten aggressively darker in the past year, to the point where makeup will no longer cover it. It was starting to really bother me and could be seen in photos. Alexis mentioned that she had never successfully been able to have a dark spot of that significance be able to go away through her treatments and since it wasn’t an all over face issue, she recommended I get IPL (Intense Pulsed Light).

I’m not an expert so bear with my explanation, but IPL is a treatment usually referred to as a laser, which releases many different wavelengths of light in a flash. Your skin absorbs the light energy which is converted to heat – then the heat destroys the unwanted pigment which ends up clearing things like freckles, spots, etc. Alexis recommended doing IPL before any type of peel/treatment with her since lightening the spot will actually make it less likely to go away from IPL (since IPL is attracted to the dark pigment).

This treatment took less than 10 minutes (since I just got a couple spots zapped) and then you’re out the door. It feels like a rubber band snapping your face. Definitely not the most comfortable, but just for a couple spots, I was completely fine. If you’re particularly sensitive to pain, I believe a numbing cream is an option. In the hours and days following, the spot became darker and eventually flakes off completely. 

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Right after getting IPL on my dark spot. 3/24/21

If you’re local to Boston and looking to get IPL, I made an appointment with Larisa Rabkin in Newton and it was only $150. I assumed it would cost me at least $400 – wish I would have gone a long time ago! The price will depend on the severity/size of the spot and sometimes multiple treatments are needed. To my surprise, mine went away pretty much completely (I’d say 90%) after one treatment. Definitely make sure you go to someone who is recommended to you or a place that has great reviews (this is NOT a situation you want a Groupon). Alexis mentioned that IPL is one of the treatments that can go wrong if you go to someone who isn’t experienced, so definitely make sure to check out reviews before booking.

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wedding skincare prep | how I'm getting my skin wedding ready | wedding skincare routine | wedding skincare | how to prep your skin for your wedding | wedding skincare timeline

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wedding skincare prep | how I'm getting my skin wedding ready | wedding skincare routine | wedding skincare | how to prep your skin for your wedding | wedding skincare timeline

wedding skincare prep | how I'm getting my skin wedding ready | wedding skincare routine | wedding skincare | how to prep your skin for your wedding | wedding skincare timeline
4/2/21 – gone!!


Step 3: Laser Genesis Treatment

4/8/21 (4 months out from my wedding)

I originally became interested in Laser Genesis when I saw Julia Berolzheimer post about it years ago – she has such beautiful skin! Anyways, I bought a package of quite a few Laser Genesis treatments at SkinSpa New York and only ended up getting to go once or twice because of COVID. Definitely sign up for their emails if you live near a SkinSpa New York location – I swear they sell 40% off packages like 3x a month – I will never pay for their packages full price.

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4/7/21 – Day before getting Laser Genesis
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4/9/21 – the day after getting Laser Genesis

Laser Genesis is unreal – I swear there’s nothing it can’t do. It tightens pores, improves skin tone and texture, and reduces inflammatory acne. Basically, what doesn’t it do?! For me, it’s been particularly great at getting rid of redness on my skin and tightening the look of my pores. I don’t worry about either of these issues as much now that I’m on my current skincare routine, but it’s also great at managing fine lines and is great for maintenance of the skin. I will say, I have a red blood vessel visible on my lip and it hasn’t been able to fix that yet, but fingers crossed! 

Alexis mentioned that Laser Genesis would be great to do in between her treatments so I’ll likely to at least one or two more before the wedding. Important to note that you shouldn’t get Laser Genesis after having a peel or using active ingredients that make your skin sensitive. You also aren’t supposed to use retinol 3-5 days prior, but go with what the place you book recommends. If you’re wondering if Laser Genesis hurts, no, it doesn’t hurt. It just feels warm! But you may notice it feeling warmer on areas of your skin that are thinner like your forehead or upper lip. 

Step 4: First Treatment with Alexis

4/25/21 (4 months out from my wedding)
At our first treatment Alexis gave me a light peel, light extractions, and also did microneedling. And no, it didn’t hurt! Also worth mentioning that this was an extremely thorough appointment, about 3 hours long. I might be forgetting some of the things she did, but the beauty of booking with her is that you just book a “SKN WRKOUT” and then she assesses what your skin needs that day vs. you booking what you think you need. I absolutely love this approach because she’s the expert, not me.

Step 5: Second Treatment with Alexis (Enlighten Peel)

5/3/21 (3 months out from my wedding)

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Directly after getting the Enlighten peel applied to my face

For this treatment with Alexis, we did the ReveSkin Enlighten Peel. This is a bright orange peel that stays on your skin anywhere from 8-12 hours. It does sting a little bit during application and during the hours you have it on your face. After rinsing, your skin is bright red and a little swollen (completely normal) and then at about the 24 hour mark (sometimes earlier), your skin starts peeling. You have a very specific post-care routine that is provided to you as part of the treatment and then your skin peels for a week. I really thought my skin would peel for longer, but it’s crazy, right at the 7 day mark, your skin has pretty much peeled off everything. 

The results are absolutely insane – I swear it removed 10 years off my skin, along with every blackhead. My pores looked SO good after this. And it also drastically reduces fine lines, dark spots, etc.

wedding skincare prep | how I'm getting my skin wedding ready | wedding skincare routine | wedding skincare | how to prep your skin for your wedding | wedding skincare timeline

Step 6: Third Treatment with Alexis (Round 2 Enlighten Peel)

5/27/21 (3 months out from my wedding)

Four weeks after my first Enlighten Peel, it was time to do the “touch up” round 2 Enlighten Peel. This was less intense than the first peel, but my skin still peeled for a week. After you peel completely, it’s crazy how you literally just have baby skin.

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Normal NEW Skincare Routine

Fresh Soy Face Cleanser
SkinBetter Science Alto Defense Serum
ReveSkin Fortified Bleaching Rx (Hydroquinone USP 4%)
SkinBetter Science Trio Rebalancing Moisture Treatment
SkinBetter Science SunBetter Advanced Mineral Protection 70 SPF in Sheer

Fresh Soy Face Cleanser (Double cleanse if I wore makeup)
SkinBetter Science Alto Defense Serum
SkinBetter Science AlphaRet Overnight Cream
SkinBetter Science Trio Rebalancing Moisture Treatment 

ReveSkin Enlighten Peel Post-Care Skincare Routine

I’ve done this routine for almost 8 weeks (4 weeks after first Enlighten Peel and continuing into 4 weeks after second touch-up Enlighten Peel).

ReveSkin SilverMoist Cleanser
SkinBetter Science Alto Defense Serum
ReveSkin Retinol Essential 1.0
ReveSkin Fortified Bleaching Rx (Hydroquinone USP 4%)
SkinBetter Science SunBetter Advanced Mineral Protection 70 SPF in Sheer

ReveSkin SilverMoist Cleanser
SkinBetter Science Alto Defense Serum
ReveSkin Retinol Essential 1.0
ReveSkin Fortified Bleaching Rx (Hydroquinone USP 4%)

Future Skincare Treatments 

Yesterday marked 60 days till my wedding 🎉 so it’s really getting to be crunch time! Since my aesthetician Alexis typically decides what to do to my skin based on seeing it in person the day of, it’s hard to say exactly what I’ll be getting done in the months to come, but it may include another microneedling treatment and JetPeels (like a Hydrafacial but a lot more effective and with longer lasting results). I’ll also get a couple Laser Genesis treatments at SkinSpa New York, and may possibly do a Clear & Brilliant laser treatment with Larisa if necessary.

I’m so glad you all have been interested in my new skincare routine. As you can see, it has certainly been an investment of my time and money, but one that has been well worth it. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!!


Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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