30 Things I’ve Learned By 30

I am officially 30. 😳😬As of December 23, 2019. Yes, I’m a little late getting this post up so I’ve now been 30 for a full week. 😆I’ve been wanting to put up a “30 Things I’ve Learned by 30” post after I’ve seen a couple girls do the same thing.

It feels crazy to say that I’ve reached this milestone and without a doubt, other than turning 21, it’s the birthday you think about your entire teenage years. It’s the age that all of us at 7 or 8 years old considered to be old. I still remember my mom being 30 so it’s crazy to think I’ve reached that point.

It’s funny how once you hit it, it doesn’t seem quite as “old” as it once did. 😂Or am I just trying to make myself feel better?! This year in particular is a year I’ve thought about for over a decade, almost two decades. I wondered where I would live, what I would be doing for work… Would I have kids? Would I be married?

30 things I've learned by 30, 30 things at 30, 30 things you should know by 30, everything I've learned by 30, 30th birthday,

A lot hasn’t happened that I thought would by now (for the better) but even more importantly, there’s so many amazing things that have happened that I never in a million years could have prepared for. I truly feel that this decade is going to be one for the books. I feel more confident and secure in myself and am looking forward to everything that my 30s have in store for me. Here are 30 things I’ve learned by 30!

30 Things I’ve Learned By 30

  1. Your mom was always right. 😉
  2. Use sunscreen on your face every day, regardless of whether it’s sunny or not – your future self will thank you.
  3. The best nights can’t be planned.
  4. Drink your 8 glasses of water daily – you’ll feel happier and your skin will thank you.
  5. Trust the timing of your life (and try not to control it so much).
  6. It’s never too late to change your career and try something new.
  7. Save as much money as you can from each paycheck – and then if it doesn’t yet feel uncomfortable, save a little bit more.
  8. Listen more – and resist the urge to always find a way to add your own personal experience to a conversation. This article was a recent eye opener.
  9. Stop avoiding the dentist 😉- the thought of it is worse than actually experiencing it.
  10. Sometimes saying “no” is a form of self-care.
  11. Doing things that scare you just a little bit are how you grow. This past year I swear I did at least one thing each week that made me a little uneasy and I grew so much as a person in 2019.
  12. Tell your parents and grandparents you love them every chance you get. None of us are getting any younger. ❤️
  13. Working out might not be your favorite thing in the world, but it shouldn’t be torture – find a workout you love and skip the ones that you purely dread.
  14. Pick your battles – life’s too short.
  15. Experiences and traveling will always feel more special and be more memorable than material items.
  16. Someone else’s success doesn’t make you any less successful.
  17. Have a go-to drink or two that you can order in a dive bar and not feel high maintenance (mine varies between a Titos and soda or a Corona)
  18. Breathe and take a walk (and consult a friend if you need to) before replying to that angry email.
  19. Living in a city other than the one you grew up in will grow you in ways you never imagined.
  20. Good sheets and towels are worth the investment.
  21. Eat more vegetables – it gets easier. 🙂
  22. Forgive yourself for your mistakes.
  23. That thing you’re dreading doing is not nearly as bad as the thought of it. Just do it and feel the weight come off your shoulders!
  24. The right person will never make you question their love.
  25. Learning to cook a few meals really well will come in handy time and time again.
  26. Success takes a lot of hard work (and a bit of luck).
  27. The grass isn’t always greener.
  28. Become more comfortable with losing the need for everyone to like you – you’ll feel more at peace.
  29. Refraining from saying negative thoughts about yourself out loud will change you for the better.
  30. We’re all just doing the best we can – we’re all looking for an “adultier” adult to help us, but truth be told, everyone’s just winging this thing called life!

Have you turned 30? What were your feelings on this milestone? What have you learned that you would add to this list?! Share in the comments! ❤️


Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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  1. 12.31.19
    Rick E. said:

    Happy birthday and happy new year too, Mackenzie ~ ! 30 is just young. You’ll know you’re ‘officially’ old when you look into the mirror and feel the same as you always have but wonder who the old person staring back at you is! Be well and I hope that you have the best year yet ~ !