Winter Outfit: Camel & Gray Neutrals & My 2019 Resolutions

I love a good winter outfit! Today I’m sharing this camel and gray winter outfit. Camel and gray have become my new favorite neutrals to pair together!

Winter outfit inspiration: camel and gray neutrals | what to wear in the winter | gray coat and camel blanket scarf | winter neutrals |

Winter outfit inspiration: camel and gray neutrals | what to wear in the winter | gray coat and camel blanket scarf | winter neutrals |


Coat (currently 40% off. Size up one size from your normal size!)  // Similar scarf here & here //
Jeans // Vans (true to size) // Sunglasses // Similar Handbag


I hope you guys had a great holiday and that your 2019 is off to a great start! I realized it’s been absolutely forever since I’ve shared an outfit with you all and there’s something I love about a winter outfit – call me crazy but I just love styling coats and winter accessories. Especially a winter outfit with neutrals! I’ve been obsessed with styling camel and gray together lately and thought I would share a little outfit inspiration with you guys. Black pairs effortlessly with it as well.

I recently picked up this coat at the mall at the beginning of December since it was 40% off – and it still is! I recommend scooping it up while it’s on sale. I absolutely love this coat and it goes with everything. I love that it’s a dressier option than my parka (also on sale; if you’re in between sizes on the size chart, size up. I have the medium). While this gray coat is not exactly the best for a 20 or 30 degree day (that’s where the parka comes in), it’s perfect for those 40-50 degree days. I’ve already worn it so much. I recommend sizing up one size from your normal size (I’m normally a 6 and got the 8). I’ve noticed a little bit of pilling on the arms of the coat but nothing too crazy and I still think it’s worth the money since it’s such a classic!

Winter Outfit: Camel & Gray Neutrals & My 2019 Resolutions

Winter outfit inspiration: camel and gray neutrals | what to wear in the winter | gray coat and camel blanket scarf | winter neutrals |

Also while we’re on the topic of the outfit – these Vans sneakers get overtime use in my life. They are so good. I especially love them for traveling. I highly recommend getting tiny no-show socks to wear with them since they keep your feet warmer, prevent blisters, and keep the shoes from smelling (lol). I love the ones here from J. Crew. They’re what I always wear with sneakers like these. I’ve been wearing this exact outfit constantly, so I thought it was time to get it on the blog!

Also, on to the topic of New Year’s resolutions. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my goals for 2019 and how I hope to better myself or meet my goals. I think New Year’s resolutions are always a sticky topic. They sometimes creep in and give us the feeling that no matter what we do, it’s never good enough. Definitely take time to reflect, talk about with a friend, or write down what you’re proud of from 2018. To me, 2018 felt like the year I made the most personal growth ever. I quit my job (read more here), made a career change (then got a promotion after 11 months with the company), and did things that were constantly out of my comfort zone (read more here). This led to major personal and professional growth. What I’m saying is, don’t forget about the amazing progress you’ve made in the past year!

Winter outfit inspiration: camel and gray neutrals | what to wear in the winter | gray coat and camel blanket scarf | winter neutrals |

Here are some of my resolutions/goals for 2019. Let me know if you guys would like a separate post on this and how I plan to achieve these goals!

2019 Goals/Resolutions

  • Save more money.
    Geoff and I both really want a house in the near future and it’s no secret that the home prices in Massachusetts are next to insane. We’re going to have to do a TON of saving if we want to make this a reality in the next few years.
  • Get serious and consistent about this blog!
    Going into 2019, I really want to think of my blog more as a business compared to a “side hustle.” What does that mean for the reader? Nothing will change, except I want to give you guys more content, more frequently. AKA more posts to read and more posts on my Instagram. I’m aiming to be consistent with 3 blog posts a week!
  • Be nicer to myself
    Despite my amazing personal/professional growth in 2018, it was a year I didn’t feel super confident in. I never really got into a long-term exercise routine and just felt “blah” a lot of the time. I would look at old photos from my cheerleading days and wonder how I fell so far off. This year, I’m vowing to be nicer to myself and not say those mean things about myself out loud. Once I thought or said one bad thing about myself, I found that it really started to snowball and make me feel horrible. I hope you join me on this one!  We are all we have and we’re doing the best we can. So be nice to yourself 🙂 .
  • Work Out Consistently
    This leads to my next goal. In 2019, I’m vowing to find a work out that I ENJOY doing. When I work out, I’m happier, feel better, and find that I make better choices food wise.
  • Stop Putting Off Those Necessary Appointments
    This year, I need to stop putting off my health and appointments that are necessary like the dentist (been putting it off for tooooo long), a breast MRI (read more about that here), etc.

Do you guys have resolutions/goals for 2019? I would love if you shared in the comments!


Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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