Blue Tie-Belt Shirt Dress at the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse

Looking for a casual yet comfy dress that you take from the work week to the weekend and everywhere in between? This blue, tie-belt shirt dress has been a staple in my closet this summer and is currently on sale for under $25!

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What a whirlwind this summer has been! I truly can’t believe we’re in the last couple weeks of summer. I’ve enjoyed every minute (or at least most of it). While I had tons of ideas for summer content for the blog, I took a bit of time that I needed to focus on work (yes, I have a full-time job that has to come first whether I like it or not 😉 ), friends, and family. New England only has so many nice months of weather and to be honest, it felt nice to step away for a bit. That being said, this blog is truly my passion and I have tons of ideas for fall blog content for you guys, so get excited! If you’re curious on what I’ve been up to day-to-day this summer I talk about it a little bit below, and my Instagram stays pretty updated – especially Instagram stories.

As much as I love summer, I think I’m slowly, finally accepting that summer is on its way out and am ready to embrace everything fall has to offer – cozy sweaters, football, hot apple cider, apple cider donuts (who could forget those!), and the works. But in the meantime, it’s bound to continue to stay pretty warm in Boston for the next month or so. Last September was very hot in Boston, so it likely means I’ll be wearing many of my summer styles into the fall… like this blue tie-belt shirt dress I haven’t stopped wearing!

Dress (on sale for under $25 right now) // Sandals (have worn these every day this summer & they’re on sale for $15 right now)
// Sunglasses (old c/o of Diff Eyewear but linked similar) //



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I picked up this blue tie-belt shirt dress a few weeks ago (and the same one in another color here) and have been wearing them both non-stop to work and on the weekend. They help me beat the heat because they’re both very light and airy. New England isn’t known for being particularly hot, but Boston has been really hot this summer – especially the humidity (probably why there has been a lack of hair posts on the blog this summer haha! The humidity has not been my hair’s friend).

There have been so many days I’ve been at a loss of what to wear, particularly what to wear to work. The T (what we call the train here in Boston) is always a sweatfest, and then add in the walking in between getting on and off the train, and I’ve found myself sweating before I even get my work day started. *good times*

Like I said, this blue tie-belt shirt dress is super light and airy, while also being a length that’s appropriate for work. I found myself struggling this summer to find dresses that weren’t tank top straps and super form fitting. Don’t get me wrong, I love those kinds of dresses for a weekend night out, but for work, I want something much more low key and appropriate.  

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Rarely have I found a dress I love wearing to work that I also love to wear on the weekend. This one has a white slip inside to prevent it from being see through. Not sure if it’s supposed to be attached or cut out once you buy it, but I found that it kept getting tangled when I would wash it, so I cut it out of the dress and wash them separately.

Also the wrap tie? Maybe my favorite part about this dress. It keeps a nice silhouette which is always important in my eyes when picking clothing. I hate anything that makes me look too boxy or has no shape. If your work dress code is a bit more strict where you can’t get away with wearing something like this, it’s also great for throwing on over a swimsuit when going to the beach on the weekend. This blue tie shirt dress has surprisingly been super versatile in my closet this summer.

I took these pictures at one of my favorite spots in my hometown area – the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse. I have a full Rockland, Maine Travel Guide here. Rockland is definitely a gem of Maine’s coast and I’m so lucky to call it home. The Rockland Breakwater is always my #1 recommendation for what everyone has to do when they visit Rockland. It’s essentially a ⅞ of a mile (each way) walk on the ocean which goes out to Rockland’s lighthouse. There are little cracks in the rocks and it can be a bit slippery when the rocks get wet. I recommend sneakers, but I’ve done this walk so many times that I feel comfortable wearing sandals – although probably not the best choice in the world. 😉 

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blue striped dress | rockland breakwater | rockland breakwater lighthouse | best dress for work and weekend | old navy blue striped dress | old navy dress | what to wear in maine | what to pack for maine | summer in maine | rockland maine |

Hope you guys have been having a great summer! Last week I went to coastal North Carolina with Geoff’s family for 5 days and spent every single day on the beach. It was so nice to be able to walk out of a house and step foot right on the beach. Plus, the water was SO warm. So not used to that here in New England! This past weekend I went home to Maine for my baby cousin’s wedding which was so perfect. I actually teared up when she came down the aisle. Such a special moment and so great to spend time with the fam. This weekend I’m heading to Kenny Chesney at Gillette Stadium. Always a fun time and what to me, symbolizes the end of summer. Anyone a country fan?! He always puts on a good show so I’m super excited!


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As always, if you guys have ideas for posts or something in particular you’d like to see on the blog, you can always comment, send me a DM on Instagram, or send me an email at


Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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  1. 8.22.18
    Rachel said:

    Loving this dress! It’s perfect for the weekends with sandals or sneakers.


    • 8.23.18
      Mackenzie said:

      Thanks so much Rachel! GLad you love it. Next time I’m definitely wearing it with sneakers!! xo

  2. 8.25.18
    Alexa said:

    this dress is so fun! And I can’t believe summer is almost over I’m so sad!

    • 8.26.18
      Mackenzie said:

      Thanks Alexa!!! Right?! It’s hitting me now and I’m getting so sad!! Thanks for reading 🙂 xo

  3. 8.31.18
    Roberta said:

    This dress looks so fresh. Maybe you already tried anything from MagicLinen? They have awesome light dresses I would like to try and hoping for any tips 🙂

    • 8.31.18
      Mackenzie said:

      Hi Roberta, thank you so much! And thank you so much for reading. I have actually never heard of MagicLinen before. I’ll have to check it out and if I try anything I’ll make sure to let you know! Have a great weekend 🙂

  4. 10.5.18
    Amanda said:

    Lovely dress! I want this for me. Thanks a lot for sharing.

    • 10.5.18
      Mackenzie said:

      So glad you love it!! Thanks Amanda! 🙂 Have a good weekend!