90+ Cellars Rosé + a Rosé Cocktail Recipe

Need a new rosé in your life just in time for summer? Give 90+ Cellars rosé a try and if you’re local to Boston, join me this Saturday for a rosé cruise with a 90+ Cellars Rosé on the Water Cruise. 

90+ Cellars rosé and a rosé cocktail | 90+ cellars boston rosé cruise | rosé all day |

90+ Cellars rosé and a rosé cocktail | 90+ cellars boston rosé cruise | rosé all day |


Summer feels like it’s been full swing in Boston! Yesterday was 90 degrees, my summer weekends are filling up by the minute, kids are starting to get out of school, and the city is already looking calmer on the weekends. I know that may come as a surprise, but a lot of people clear out of the city on the weekends and head to close-by spots like Nantucket, the Cape (Cape Cod), Martha’s Vineyard, Newport, and Maine.

If you’re local to Boston, I wanted to share something super fun that’s happening this coming Saturday, 6/23/18. Ever wanted to attend a rosé cruise?! Well, you’re in luck, because 90+ Cellars is hosting a 90+ Cellars Rosé on the Water Rosé Cruise this Saturday! A boat cruise plus rosé?! I mean, you sold me! I will be there and you can buy tickets here! Hurry, because they’re almost sold out! Here are some of the details:

What: 90+ Cellars Rosé on the Water Cruise
Where: Boston World Trade Center, 200 Seaport Blvd. Boston, MA
When: Saturday, 6/23/18 from 2 PM – 5 PM
Tickets: You can purchase here!

Your tickets includes 90+ Cellars Rosé, small bites, and water. Grab your favorite ladies and join me and a bunch of other Boston ladies this Saturday for a cruise in the Boston harbor! Bonus: This Saturday looks so gorgeous!

90+ Cellars Rosé + a Rosé Cocktail Recipe

90+ Cellars rosé and a rosé cocktail | 90+ cellars boston rosé cruise | rosé all day |


I really hope you guys can join! Let me know in my Instagram post tonight or comment on this blog post and let me know if you’ll be coming!

90+ Cellars rosé and a rosé cocktail | 90+ cellars boston rosé cruise | rosé all day |


90+ Cellars Wine Club

If you love a good wine club, 90+ Cellars has one of the best that I’ve come across, and one of the least expensive if you choose the Throttle membership! They have a few different options. If you simply want 3 bottles of wine a quarter (for just $50!), you can opt for the Throttle Wine Club membership. The wines are chosen for you, so you don’t have to do any of the choosing. A great gift option or holiday gift idea if you’re already thinking that far ahead! 😉

Two other options are the Mixed Wine Club (a mix of 6 red and white wine bottles) and the Red Wine Club (6 bottles of red wine). Both are $95/quarter. The best part? All shipping is free with a wine club membership. Or, if you prefer to mix and match by the bottle and not join a wine club, you can always buy by the bottle. I have my eye on all of the rosé as you can probably imagine. And how cute is this limited edition Celebrate Boston bottle of rosé?! Obsessed!

90+ Cellars rosé and a rosé cocktail | 90+ cellars boston rosé cruise | rosé all day |

90+ Cellars rosé and a rosé cocktail | 90+ cellars boston rosé cruise | rosé all day |


Need cocktail recipe inspiration? I recently made this Strawberry Basil Rosé Spritzer and it’s super delicious!

Strawberry Basil Rosé Spritzer Recipe
(Makes 2 servings)

90+ Rose, Lot 33
6 strawberries, chopped
6 basil leaves
4 teaspoons simple syrup
1 cup of ice, crushed

Chop strawberries and set aside. Add crushed ice to two wine glasses. Portion strawberries in half and add to wine glasses. Add rosé to wine glasses. Measure out two teaspoons of simple syrup for each wine glass and pour into glass. Add a few basil leaves to each wine glass. Stir and enjoy this refreshing summer cocktail!

90+ Cellars rosé and a rosé cocktail | 90+ cellars boston rosé cruise | rosé all day |

90+ Cellars rosé and a rosé cocktail | 90+ cellars boston rosé cruise | rosé all day |

Top | Pants | Earrings | Necklace (also have these and love them) | Wine Glasses | Wine |



Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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  1. 7.18.18
    Alyssa said:

    Currently drooling over this recipe while at the office …def making this Friday night! Xx

    • 7.18.18
      Mackenzie said:

      Oh yayyy let me know what you think girly!! xx