The Arnold Aboretum: Free Boston Date Idea

If you live in Boston and are looking for a free Boston date idea, make sure to check out The Arnold Arboretum!

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Hi guys! Woahhhh it’s been a hot minute! Life has been a little crazy lately. I feel like every spring I go through a time period that includes a lack of inspiration. The weather is unpredictable, I’m moody with the constant rollercoaster that is the weather, and life just gets busier as we gear up for summer. I’ve been gearing up for a few weddings this summer and have my first one in a couple weeks. All of the craziness aside, I truly love this little outlet so much and have been doing lots of planning on the back end of things to bring you content you WANT to see! And I’m always open to blog post ideas 🙂 . You can send me a DM on Instagram!


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Anyways, not this past weekend but the last, Geoff and I were looking for something to do that wasn’t eating, spending money, or sitting on our couch for hours on end. Anyone else ever have this dilemma?! I swear he always comes up with the best ideas, so he suggested The Arnold Arboretum. Seriously, so happy we went, and I can’t believe it was my first time!

Arnold Aboretum is a 281 acre landscape that covers a good portion of Boston and is open from sunrise to sunset every single day of the year! It’s free although donations are always welcome and appreciated. Think of it as an outdoor, living museum and botanical garden! We mostly hung out in the Leventritt Shrub and Vine Garden (find an interactive map here if you plan on going!) which is where all of these pictures were taken.

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Arnold Arboretum | free boston date idea | boston date idea | what to do in Boston | outside in Boston | parks in Boston | what to do in Boston MA | Arnold Arboretum in Boston MA |

Arnold Arboretum | free boston date idea | boston date idea | what to do in Boston | outside in Boston | parks in Boston | what to do in Boston MA | Arnold Arboretum in Boston MA |

The Leventritt Garden and Pavilion area has the most amazing wisteria (fingers crossed it’s still there!), vines, and shrubs. There were so many unique plants and flowers that I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. It’s also the perfect area for a picnic or to just sit back on a blanket and relax. I told Geoff we’re definitely going back later this summer with a blanket to have a picnic! Ha, we’re not typically the picnic type but he agreed with me!

The whole time I couldn’t help but thinking what a great first date it would make. Whether you’re going on a first date, are in those first-few-dates stage, or even if you’ve been together for years, it would be the best date! I say first date because have you guys ever been on those first dates where you’re out to dinner and you’re both staring at each other awkwardly not knowing what to say?! LOL I think we’ve all been there. The Arnold Arboretum is great because you can casually talk while walking (and not staring at each other awkwardly haha), explore plants and wildlife you see, and if you need to- maybe can fake a bee sting to get out of there 😉 . Kidding, kidding!

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Arnold Arboretum | free boston date idea | boston date idea | what to do in Boston | outside in Boston | parks in Boston | what to do in Boston MA | Arnold Arboretum in Boston MA |

Arnold Arboretum | free boston date idea | boston date idea | what to do in Boston | outside in Boston | parks in Boston | what to do in Boston MA | Arnold Arboretum in Boston MA |

Arnold Arboretum | free boston date idea | boston date idea | what to do in Boston | outside in Boston | parks in Boston | what to do in Boston MA | Arnold Arboretum in Boston MA | Leventritt Garden | Leventritt Garden and Pavilion Boston MA

While the Leventritt Garden and Pavilion area is so gorgeous, I also recommend exploring a bit! There’s tons of little trails to explore and we even saw a lot of people running and biking (of course on the areas that aren’t woods lol). It was pretty humid the day we went and we ended up getting caught in the craziest downpour. We both had water dripping down our faces and were laughing so hard. We were legitimately soaked. Poor Geoff had his glasses on this day and his glasses were so fogged up he could barely see. We got a tad bit far from the car and ended up having a really long walk to the car but we were laughing the entire time!

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I also couldn’t help but thinking that if you have little ones and live in the city but don’t really have a drive way – this would be a great place to take the kids to practice a little bike riding! Arnold Arboretum is blocked off to drivers.

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Arnold Arboretum | free boston date idea | boston date idea | what to do in Boston | outside in Boston | parks in Boston | what to do in Boston MA | Arnold Arboretum in Boston MA | Leventritt Garden | Leventritt Garden and Pavilion Boston MA

Outfit Details: Dress // Sneakers // Sunglasses // Denim Jacket (old from Gap but linked a similar option) // Handbag //


Arnold Arboretum | free boston date idea | boston date idea | what to do in Boston | outside in Boston | parks in Boston | what to do in Boston MA | Arnold Arboretum in Boston MA | Leventritt Garden | Leventritt Garden and Pavilion Boston MA


Have you been to The Arnold Arboretum? Is it now on your list of places to check out in Boston? Let me know in the comments! 🙂


Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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