Top 10 Hair + Beauty Products I Couldn’t Live Without This Year

top 10 hair and beauty products of 2017


I hope you guys have been able to get back in the swing of things after the holiday season! It’s hard to believe we’re past the holidays already. I loved having the time off to relax around Christmas and the new year. I put less pressure on myself to bust out blog posts and took the time to simply relax. While it may not always seem like I spend a ton of time on this blog, the fact is that it’s a full time job… Which makes things difficult when you have an actual full time job. That being said, I love every minute of it!!!

I’m a huge hair and beauty junkie. Sephora is basically a love/hate relationship for my bank account. I don’t even want to look into how much I spend at Sephora, Ulta, and drugstores in a year; I’m sure it’s scary. But…. because of my addiction, I’ve tried a lot of great products! In no particular order, here are my Top 10 Hair + Beauty Products I Couldn’t Live Without This Year!



top 10 hair and beauty products of 2017 including oribe dry texturizing spray

1. Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray

Forever lusting over the “cool girl” waves that so many celebrities seem to effortlessly have? They probably have those effortless waves because of this texturizing spray! If you’ve never used a texturizing spray before, the best way to describe it is as a “workable” light hairspray. It provides a bit of hold without freezing your hair in place. You still get just the perfect amount of movement with added texture. If you have fine hair that won’t hold a curl, this will save your life. Luckily, I don’t have that problem, but I still love the look it gives me after curling my hair. If you have fine hair, spray it throughout your hair both before and after curling your hair. If your hair holds a curl fine for the most part, you’ll be okay to use it as a finishing spray after curling your hair. This texturizing spray smells SO heavenly. If it wasn’t so expensive, I would hands down use it as a perfume (is that weird lol?). But seriously, you’ll love it! You can purchase here.

top 10 hair and beauty products of 2017 including these Dr. Dennis Gross Extra Strength Alpha Beta Peel

2. Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Peel Extra Strength Daily Peel

I found out about these peel pads from following Shani Darden on Instagram. If you’re not familiar with her, she’s a celebrity esthetician. She’s been posting about these constantly for the past year, so FINALLY I decided I must try these. And… literally a day after I ordered these, I received the sweetest package from Dr. Dennis Gross gifting me their Glow Getter Kit which also included these, so I knew it was meant to be.

Verdict? These are insanely amazing you guys! I’ve talked before about how I’ve struggled with my skin forever. I’ve always been one of those people who has to work really hard to get great skin, and it always seems like no matter how much I exfoliate… nothing exfoliates as deep as I need it to. Anyone else feel the same way or is it just me? It’s hard to explain, but I feel like these deep clean and exfoliate from within, which obviously can’t be true because it’s a topical, but it gives a much deeper exfoliation than anything else I’ve ever used. If you struggle with fine lines, acne, hormonal breakouts, you will be obsessed. Knock on wood, but I haven’t had a hormonal breakout since using these (you know those pesky ones that hurt that you get around your chin that time of the month). Unfortunately, these are a bit of a splurge, but they’re the real deal. I don’t think I could ever go without these peel pads.

If you’re worried about the term “Extra Strength Peel,” not to fear. I too have sensitive skin and these do not irritate my skin in the slightest. You may feel a slight tingling sensation when using these, but I follow up with a gentle moisturizer and I’m fine. These are actually gentle enough to use everyday. I WISH I could use everyday, but unfortunately, they’re a bit too expensive for me to justify using every day. I use once a week and/or use more whenever I feel like my skin is freaking out. These are perfect for using just before that time of month when your skin has a mind of its own. Can’t say enough amazing things about these! And…. they’re being offered as a 100 point perk right now (last I checked) so act quick!

3. Drybar Wrap Party Styling Wand

I love me a good hair wand because not only do they produce effortless waves, but they also make styling my thick hair a breeze! As thick as my hair is, I can seriously fly through my hair with this hair wand. You’re probably wondering… How does this hair wand stand out from the others? Most hair wands are tapered so that the end of your hair is at the skinniest part of the wand and the top part of your hair will be where the widest area of the wand is. This hair wand is the opposite. The largest part of the hair wand is at the bottom. In my opinion, it makes hair look thicker, gives it more volume near the bottom where most people need it anyway, and doesn’t make hair look so scraggly at the bottom. Sadly, I forgot mine at home when I went home for Christmas so I’ll have to wait a few weeks to get it ahhhh!


top 10 hair and beauty products of 2017 tatcha luminous dewy skin mist

4. Tatcha Luminous Dewy Skin Mist

I was recently asked about this skin mist and at first, I felt a bit conflicted. Isn’t it just an expensive water that you’re spraying on your skin? Until that is… I ran out of my supply of this! I hate cakey looking makeup more than anything. I like a bit of a dewy glow to my skin as I feel it makes everyone look more youthful and fresh! So that’s where this skin mist comes in handy. After finishing my makeup, I spray a few spritzes of this over my whole face. I then take my damp Beauty Blender and gently pat over my skin just incase there are any areas that aren’t blended well. It really does a great job at setting makeup and making your skin look like it’s glowing from within! It’s perfect when your skin feels dry, blah, or lack luster. While it’s a bit of a splurge, I definitely recommend using this! It also comes in a mini size if you want to try it but don’t want to commit to the larger, more expensive bottle.


5. GLAMGLOW SUPERMUD Clearing Treatment

I’ve raved about this mask so many times but for good reason! This mask is my jam. I honestly don’t think I could go without it (and neither could Geoff because he asks where it is and steals it all the time). If your skin ever feels more oily than normal, is congested, breaking out, or you just can’t get it to behave, this mask is for you! I usually use it a couple times a month and it completely balances my skin. I don’t know how it does it, but it gets rid of the oil without completely drying the heck out of your skin. No other mud mask has ever worked as well for me as this. Again, this product is a bit expensive, so if you don’t feel comfortable getting the full size product, it’s also available in a small size that’s less expensive.


top 10 hair and beauty products of 2017

6. Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment

I’ve used this for years and it’s essentially a fancy lip balm, but SO much better than any other lip balm I’ve ever tried. Again, another product I could never go without. I love using the clear Satin Finish shade but have some of the other shades and they’re all amazing!

7. Simple Cleansing Micellar Water

Maybe my favorite drugstore product of all time! Drugstore beauty products get a bad rap, but there are so many great products. I truly don’t think you always have to spend a ton of money to get a great, quality product. I’ve talked about this product tons of times because it’s so amazing! I love Simple’s products because they have no added fragrances. My skin is on the sensitive side and doesn’t do well with fragrances in products.

I use Simple’s Cleansing Micellar Water on a cotton pad to take my makeup off in the evening. I also use it on the weekends when I wake up if I want my skin cleansed but want to lounge around and don’t feel like showering immediately. I use it after the gym to remove any bacteria/sweat and I also use it after cleansing as a toner if I feel like I didn’t quite remove all my makeup. As you can tell, this micellar water is life for me!


top 10 hair and beauty products of 2017

8. It Cosmetics Confidence in a Cream Transforming Moisturizing Super Cream

I was introduced to this product this year when I had either a 100 point perk at Sephora or got a sample through Sephora… Can’t remember which! Either way, it doesn’t matter. All you need to know is that this cream is amazing! I bought the full size version after using up all of my small sample. My skin has been a bit oily lately, so I’ve mostly been using this at night, however, if your skin is on the dry side during the winter, this moisturizer will change your life. It packs a lot of moisture and would be perfect after a day on the slopes or when the weather is so unbelievably cold that your skin needs to drink all the moisturizer it can get. It doesn’t have a fragrance which makes me happy. It may be too heavy for you for the day time, but it’s great as a night cream.

9. Ouai Treatment Masque

In my opinion, hair masks are one of the most underrated beauty products out there. I feel like no one uses them, but they can make SUCH a difference in your hair! I use one at least once a week, and this time of year more like twice. The Ouai Treatment Masque is one of the best hair masks I’ve tried because not only does it moisturize the hair, it also smooths and de-frizzes. The packets are on the small side, so if you have thick hair like me, you may have to use two, however, I’ve also gotten away with only using one.

10. Patchology FlashPatch Restoring Night Eye Gels

I found out about Patchology in the past year or year and a half when they reached out to send me a couple products to try. I think this was one of the very first products they sent me and I’m obsessed! This is yet another product that your man will steal from you (that’s when you know it’s good, am I right?). In the past year or so I’ve noticed that I’m getting fine lines under my eyes (eeeeek) and I’ve been so self conscious about it. Why does no one tell us that getting old isn’t fun? Anyways, these eye gel pads give my under eye area a ton of moisture. They make your eyes look much more rested and moisturized!


Have a favorite product that you can’t live without? I would love to know! Let me know in the comments!




Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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  1. 1.4.18
    Bayley said:

    I just tried Ouai foam dry shampoo because I got a sample of it and I love it. It made my hair smooth and shiny and took all the frizz and oil out of it. I’ll have I try their hair mask. I usually use a hair mask from Target once a week.

    • 1.5.18
      Mackenzie said:

      I need to try that!!! I’ve heard mixed reviews, but so glad you love it. Sometimes I feel like dry shampoo makes my hair too dry so this sounds like a great option. What hair mask do you use from Target?!! XOXO Thanks for reading!