7 Ways to Say Goodbye to Holiday Stress

This post was sponsored by Barnie’s Coffee as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

7 ways to say goodbye to holiday stress

7 ways to say goodbye to holiday stress

7 ways to say goodbye to your holiday stress this holiday season


As much as we try to tell ourselves that “next year will be different,” somehow, holiday stress seems to manage to make its way to some of us. I blame the constant thoughts in our heads that everything “needs to be perfect,” our procrastination, and the overall busy time that is the holidays. Stresses can take away from the joy that is the holidays and often, the things we stress out about aren’t as big of a deal as we might think. Today I’ve partnered with Barnie’s Coffee to share how you can manage stress during the holidays so you can get back to enjoying one of the most magical times of year. Keep reading for my tips and 7 Ways to Say Goodbye to Holiday Stress and keep reading for a coupon code for 30% off Barnie’s Coffee!

7 ways to say goodbye to your holiday stress

7 ways to say goodbye to holiday stress this season




If there’s one thing I need during the holiday season, it’s caffeine! Whether you’re venturing out to the mall on Christmas Eve, getting grilled by Grandma about your love life, or dealing with children, caffeine pretty much solves everything, am I right?! My latest coffee obsession? Santa’s White Christmas blend by Barnie’s Coffee. It’s considered America’s favorite flavored coffee and boasts a 37 year cult-like following. Santa’s White Christmas is a blend of coconut, caramel, and roasted nuts. Barnie’s Coffee has tons of unique flavor combinations and are roasted using the highest quality beans. Perfect as a stocking stuffer, a Yankee Swap idea, a Secret Santa gift, an addition to a holiday gift basket, or a gift for a teacher! Use the code BRUNCHONSUNDAY30 for 30% off your order! When you purchase, make sure to post on social media and use the hashtag #ShowUsYourSanta !


Don’t be afraid to take the lead and delegate certain things to different family members. Have a cousin that’s amazing at baking while you struggle with it? Sign them up to bring a dessert to go with the holiday dinner. Have a friend that’s a pro at decorating? Have them in charge of decorating the table for your Friendsgiving. Leaning on your strengths rather than thinking about all the things you’re not as good at is bound to have you feeling much more positive this holiday season. The reality is that we’re all not good at EVERYTHING. Focus on the things you’re really great at and have others help you with the things you’re not as great at!


I think sometimes, the holidays convince us that we need to bring out our inner Martha Stewart. And while it’s fun to try, sometimes doing it all just isn’t possible with jobs, kids, and other unexpected things that life throws at us. There’s so much on everyone’s plate during the holiday season. So whether it’s cooking, decorating, and/or presents, know when it’s worth making/creating from scratch and when it’s worth it to skip the hassle/stress and just buy it. I always put a ton of pressure on myself to create a Pinterest-worthy wreath and spend time getting the materials, teaching myself to make it, and maybe a little bit of cursing in the middle of creating it (oops lol). In reality, I don’t even have a real front door to display it since I live in an apartment building. This is one of those things that’s just not worth it to me anymore. Don’t have time to make an apple pie from scratch? Stop putting so much pressure on yourself! Order one from your local bakery instead. Not only are you saving yourself a few hours, but you’re also supporting a local shop who will be happy to have your business during the holiday season. Win, win in my book!


I swear by lists and wouldn’t get through a single day without them! You can write a list for virtually every single item on your holiday to-do list whether it’s everyone’s name you need to buy a gift for, what you need to purchase for your holiday dinner, or errands you don’t want to forget about. If you want to get really hardcore, you can create an Excel spreadsheet for gifts you’ve purchased/plan on purchasing for people. I’m not quite at that level, but lists save my life every single day. I prefer to write notes to myself on sticky notes and stick them in my planner. I bring my planner pretty much everywhere so I’ll never be without my lists. If you like visuals, you can make Pinterest boards (just be sure to make them private) for holiday gift ideas for everyone on your list.


Not everything has to be done the day of the holiday! My mom makes a mean mashed potato dish for the holidays, and the best part of all? It can be prepped in the days ahead and be cooked in a crock pot. Even as something as simple as preparing one side dish ahead of time cuts down her stress. Always leave present wrapping till the very last minute? Write yourself a note or list and make it a goal to wrap just a couple presents every weekend. You’d be surprised at how much weight feels lifted when you find yourself in the days leading up to the holidays.


You won’t catch me anywhere near a mall around Black Friday or in the days leading up to Christmas. Crowds are not my thing and tend to make me stressed out. Add waiting in line, potentially screaming children, and it’s reallllllly not my thing! People seem to be pretty equally split about whether they’re “team online shopping” or “team mall” for holiday shopping. I swear by online shopping, and for the most part, have had really great luck. Many online retailers have insanely quick shipping these days making shopping even more painless. Online shopping is an especially great option if you travel by plane for the holidays. Instead of lugging an extra suitcase of presents, have your items be sent to the address you’re spending the holidays at.


Somewhere along the way, I think we got wrapped up in the idea that the holidays are all about the presents and “what you get.” I think it’s really important to remember things that really matter during the holidays; our friends, family, maybe our health, that we have a roof over our heads, our jobs, and so much more. Whether you consider your family your parents, siblings, friends, significant other, etc. make it a priority to do something special with the people you care about this holiday season. Keep in mind that I’m not talking about giving gifts here. I’m talking about one of the best things of all – time spent together. This can be as simple as driving around during the holidays and checking out the Christmas lights in your town, making dinner for a loved one, visiting a grandparent, watching a holiday movie together, or so many other options. When I think back to all of the holidays I’ve celebrated, what I remember most is always the time spent, funny jokes, and the people that were around me – not the presents. Remember what’s important this holiday season! 🙂


Have any recommendations for reducing stress during the holidays?! Let me know your secrets! Also, make sure to check out Barnie’s Coffee here. You can save 30% on your order with the code BRUNCHONSUNDAY30


Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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  1. 11.27.17
    Jennifer said:

    I totally agree with #’s 4 & 5. Great tips! I’ll definitely utitlize them for my holiday shopping this year. 🙂

    • 11.27.17
      Mackenzie said:

      Jennifer, thank you so much!! So glad you found it helpful!! xoxo