Snaps From Spruce Head, Maine + McLoon’s Lobster Shack

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Mcloons lobster spruce head maine

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I took these photos a few weeks ago when I was home in Maine ( you can read the rest of the posts here + here), where I had a nice long weekend of great food, much needed relaxation, and fun with friends and family. One of the days, Geoff and I went to McLoon’s Lobster Shack in Spruce Head which is just 10-15 minutes from Rockland and Owls Head. If you’re in Camden, it’s also nearby. I’ve grown up going to lobster shacks and worked at one in high school as a summer job. Going to a lobster shack when you’re in Maine is something that must be done, hands down. To me, I’ve always felt like there’s something so much more authentic about eating lobster on a wharf, rather than in a fancy restaurant with lobster juice up to my elbows. However, that’s my opinion.

Most of these places are no frills; you eat at picnic tables which other travelers, wherever you can find a seat. There’s almost always no waitress, but you order at a window and food is brought to you as it’s ready. They’re often described as diamonds in the rough, and for good reason. The food doesn’t get any fresher than at a lobster wharf. Even people who enjoy lobster in Boston are surprised at just how much more fresh the lobster tastes in Maine (it’s true). Many lobster shacks are BYOB so make sure to check out the website before going.

McLoon’s Lobster Shack is one of the best lobster spots I’ve been to in a while, and one of the best lobster rolls I’ve had in a long time.The prices are also super reasonable. Make sure to check it out the next time you’re in Midcoast Maine!


Note: Many lobster shacks are seasonal. It’s best to call or check out their website before going!

McLoon’s Lobster Shack (closed on Wednesdays through September)
Miller’s Lobster Co. (closed now for the year)
Luke’s Lobster
The Dip Net
The Lobster Shack





Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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  1. 9.13.17
    Sarah said:

    I meant to comment this the other day but must have exited out before commenting: So I don’t know how I’ve missed all of your wonderful Midcoast Maine blog posts (I have to admit I’m much better at following most bloggers on instagram rather than actually taking the time to venture to blogs even though I really want to make more of an effort because after diving into the posts I always find really great things) but for some reason the Spruce Head and lobster roll caught my eye. My parents both grew up in Rockland, a lot of my family still lives in the midcoast area (Rockland, Owls Head, Thomaston, etc), and my parents just moved from Portland to our camp in Damariscotta, so I’ve been trying to make more of an effort to explore the area as I often did when I was a kid. Between this post and the other two I just found out about so many new places that I need to visit! For example, I never knew those murals existed in Rockland and I’ve been really eager to try out the foodie scene in Camden so it was good to see those recommendations. A few things that are on my bucket list for next summer that I didn’t see in your post include taking a trip to Vinalhaven, visiting both Savage Oaks Vineyard & Sweet Grass Winery, and enjoying a cocktail at sunset at the rooftop bar at 16 Bay View. Sadly (as you can probably relate to), I’ll be tied down to my busy life in Boston until next summer. However, reading these posts just gave me so many good feelings and brought back a lot of good memories. Sorry for this long post & thanks for always being so relatable and posting really great info whether it’s about fashion, traveling, or other personal content. ~ Sarah

    • 9.14.17
      Mackenzie said:

      You are SO sweet Sarah, Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. You made my entire day for the sweet compliments. Check your email 🙂 XOXO

  2. 9.13.17

    These pictures are fabulous! I really want a lobster roll now!
    xoxo, Jenna

    • 9.13.17
      Mackenzie said:

      Thank you so much Jenna! I know, right?! I swear I crave them constantly haha. This one was so good. Thanks for reading <3

  3. 3.11.24
    Deborah Jean Ames Johnson said:

    My dad from Matinicus Island, Keith Norris Ames Sr, owned the Deborah Jean, a wood lobster boat built in Nova Scotia. My dad died in 1974 and my worthless brother Keith Ames Jr. inherited the boat and ended up selling her to someone in Spruse Head. Was just wondering if she is still there, she was painted red I believe. Would love to connect with the owner and possibly have a photo of her. Thanks for listening and hope to hear back from someone.