5 Tips to Better Conquer Monday Like a Champ

Ohhhh Mondays, most of us hate them, and if you’re anything like me, once Sunday afternoon rolls around, you find yourself with a bad case of the “Sunday Scaries.” However, not all Mondays are created equal. Sometimes I notice that I feel ahead of the game and like I’m not suffering as much as usual. Other times, I’m staring at the clock until it’s time to leave. For me, it always comes down to a few things I do to prepare for Monday that make ALL the difference once Monday rolls around. For me, having a great Monday means that I’m much more positive for the rest of the week. Keep reading to see my tips for how you can conquer Monday like the champ that you are!

5 Tips to Better Conquer Monday Like a Champ






Maybe I’m weird, but there’s something about having a full fridge that makes me feel happy and overall, less panic-y (especially when Monday rolls around). There’s nothing worse than starting the week with zero food in your house or apartment and therefore, having nothing to eat for breakfast on Monday. If you’re anything like me, when you’re hungry you get moody aka HANGRY and it’s bad for everyone. Taking the time to go grocery shopping on Sundays (even if you only have time to grab enough things for a couple of days worth of food) makes all the difference in how my Monday goes.


On Monday mornings, I don’t like to have to think a whole lot before I’ve had my coffee. Something to make it just a tad easier? Having clean clothes. Let’s be honest, we all have our favorite clothes that we wear again and again. While it can be fun taking the time to put together a more unique outfit on the weekend, during the work week, I like to keep it simple and easy, and I don’t want to have to think too hard about styling an outfit. Having clean clothes for when Monday rolls around means you won’t have to stare blank faced in front of your closet for what feels like forever. You can get dressed in under five minutes and overall, feel more relaxed since you won’t be rushing. Never have time to do laundry on Sundays or just don’t feel like it? Most laundromats offer a laundry and folding service if you bring in your dirty clothes. It will cost more than doing it yourself, but sometimes it’s worth it when you need the free time to get things done.


Taking the time to slow down on a Sunday night and do something for me always helps to put me in a better mood on a Monday morning. For me, I like doing things such as an at-home face mask or something relaxing. You could also meditate (I love the app Headspace), do yoga at home, read, or watch your favorite show (obsessed with Ozark on Netflix lately… anyone else)? While I do enjoy scrolling through my Instagram feed on a nightly basis, it’s been proven that having screen time before bed isn’t good for you and prevents you from getting your best night’s sleep. Opt for something that isn’t screen time to make you feel more relaxed.


Okay first things first, I’m definitely guilty of skipping occasionally, but getting in a workout on a Monday is one of the best ways to guarantee that your work week is off to a great start. I think one of the biggest misconceptions is that you have to be in the gym for an hour or two. Not the case! Honestly, something is better than nothing. Every time I go to the gym I ask myself why I don’t go every single day. Unfortunately, life gets in the way, but most of the time, our reasons for not going are purely excuses. If you’re someone who can never seem to make it to the gym – opt for a class. I love workout classes because I don’t have to plan my own workout and I can schedule it into my day. My favorite workouts are HIIT classes because you go hard for 30-45 minutes and then you’re done. One of my favorite workouts is Firestarter at Equinox (only thirty minutes and so hard).


I find that I’m so much happier going into a Monday when I have a happy memory of something I did over the weekend. What I’m saying here is don’t sit on your butt for the entire weekend. Get outside, get coffee with a friend, offer to walk a neighbor’s dog (lol), go out to dinner. Honestly, it doesn’t have to be anything lavish. For me, knowing that I made the most of the weekend and didn’t sit on my bum all weekend watching tv is enough to make me happier once the work week starts.


Have any tips for things to do to have a better week? What are the things you do to conquer a case of the Mondays? I would love to know the things you do! Comment below or message me on Instagram!






Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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