Beauty Review: VIIcode Oxygen Gel Eye Pads

VII Code under eye anti-aging treatment

As silly as it sounds, I swear I woke up one day, at age 25, with fine lines under my eyes. It terrified me, like to the point where I thought I was sick or something was wrong with me. I asked myself if I was dehydrated. I over-analyzed a bunch of scenarios in my head about what I possibly could have done (lol). Then I asked Geoff, “does it look bad around my eyes?” *Insert crying laughing emoji* It’s funny to laugh about now because I was a bit delusional… Obviously your skin aging doesn’t happen completely overnight, but sometimes it feels like it does once you notice it for the first time. Other than being maybe a bit too rough on my eye area while taking off my eye makeup, there was nothing out of the ordinary that had happened… It’s just this fun thing called aging. This is the first situation I can remember where I realized that I’m in fact aging and can’t be 21 forever. It might seem silly for me to be worrying about something like this at age 27, but I did and I sometimes continue to…I’ll admit it lol. The worst part of all is that you take your non-fine line face for granted. I never even thought about the fact that I didn’t have fine lines when I was younger… you only start thinking about them once you have them!

Since this happened (AKA since I finally noticed), I’m very conscious about moisturizing around my eye area on the daily. I’ll be honest in that I haven’t found an eye cream that I’m super happy about yet, so I always make sure to put a little bit of extra moisturizer under my eye area. One thing that I’ve been absolutely loving lately are gel under eye pads, specifically VIIcode’s formula. I’ve always been a face mask lover, but under eye gel pads are a great way to unwind, relax, or prep for makeup when you don’t feel like putting on an entire face mask.

Fortunately, I’ve never had a huge issue with dark circles under my eyes; just the typical ones if I’ve been up way too late or not getting enough sleep. I’ve noticed they’ve become a little bit worse lately… Too much eye straining at a computer at all hours of the day. I love keeping the area under my eyes super hydrated because I feel like even if you have the tiniest lines, once makeup is added, it can sometimes accentuate everything, depending on the formula and how good the concealer is.


VII Code Under Eye Gel Pads



VIIcode Oxygen Pads are gel-like under eye pads that are infused with serum that contains essential vitamins, antioxidants, proteins, botanicals, peptides, and essential fatty acids, and are designed to be placed under the eye area for 8 hours, as an overnight treatment. For best results, they should be worn 2-3 times a week, (with three boxes being a full course of treatment).



VII Code Under Eye Pads, Skincare routine



The VIIcode Oxygen Eye Mask box comes with 6 individual packets that each contain a set of eye pads. I love that they come in individual packets because it makes them easy for travel, and they take up very little space. After tearing open the silver packet, take off the clear back, and apply under your eyes. You should apply to freshly washed, dry, clean skin. It should feel “cooling” and calming to the under eye area. I loved the cooling feeling and thought it felt a lot like a cold spoon on the eye, rather than a tingling, cooling feeling. After applying, go to bed, and remove in eight hours. I like to use these eye pads at night (night time is recommended), but you could certainly use them during the day time as well, however, you may not see the same results.

Skincare routine VII CodeVII Code Under eye gel pads



Although a bit of a splurge, I love the cool feeling of these eye pads and the hydration that they provide. I love that all of the serum is contained in the gel of the eye pad, meaning there’s no serum dripping and the pads aren’t sliding around. The cooling feeling is relaxing and is definitely a new favorite part of my nightly routine. There’s no crazy scents or perfumes. Best of all, all of the work is done while you sleep! I definitely noticed a more hydrated, more well-rested looking under eye area. Verdict: Worth it. You can buy the VIIcode gel eye pads here, and you can also check out the rest of the products on their website here.


VII Code eye mask

Thank you to VIIcode for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.
















Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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  1. 4.10.17
    Talita said:

    Omg.. you just described my life but I freaked out at 29😩😩Getting old is amazing but also so depressing haha I’ve been looking for a good moisturizer for the past year myself. So I’ll have to try it! Thanks doll. P.S. You still look 21! 🙂

    • 4.10.17
      Mackenzie said:

      We just have to remind ourselves that we’re our own worst critics! No one even notices the tiny little imperfetions we notice. You still look 21 too!!! Cheers to good genes hah! xo Thanks for reading, doll.