My Gym Bag Essentials


Today, I’m excited to share all about my gym bag essentials! When it comes to making it to the gym consistently, planning and preparation are key. I love to do everything the night before; whether it’s making a lunch for work or packing my gym bag. Otherwise, in my experience, it doesn’t happen, or I spend the next morning stressed out at 6 AM. Trust me when I say that I look for any excuse to avoid going to the gym, even “oh, nope, sorry, can’t go. I forgot my water bottle;” When I know there’s a vending machine there. I’m not sure what it is, because I always get so into my workouts once I’m there, but getting there can be so hard. Between finding parking, packing a bag, and going outside in the cold this time of year, it’s easy to convince yourself that it’s too much of hassle.

My essentials for making it to the gym

For me, preparation and planning are absolutely key. Today I’m giving you a look inside my gym bag at my essentials. My insider tip: Buy doubles of items (think deodorant, body spray, dry shampoo, ear buds) so that they can live in your gym bag and you don’t have to repack your bag every single day. It saves you so much time in the long run, and is fairly inexpensive to do so.

My Gym Bag Essentials

My gym bag essentials


So this is a no brainer. I’ve been using Dove deodorant since I started wearing deodorant (ahh yes, think back to the awkward puberty days haha). Dove products have always been a staple in my home. Their products are gentle for sensitive skin, and the scents are always very subtle. There’s nothing too overpowering that will give you a headache or cause irritation. I’m obsessed with this scent, and have been buying it since college.

I was previously using the Dove Go Fresh formula (with the same scent), but I recently switched to the Dove Advanced Care Antiperspirant and I love it even more. It goes on nice and smooth and I find that it lasts longer than the Go Fresh formula. It offers 48 hours of odor and wetness protection plus added skincare benefits of Dove 1/4 moisturizers and NutriumMoisture for softer, smoother, underarms. My biggest pet peeve with deodorant? The dry, flaky formulas that flake off on your clothes and get all over everything. This doesn’t do any of that. It stays in place, doesn’t get on your clothes, smells pretty dang good, and does its job. What’s not to like?

My work out essentials


Another no brainer. I like to pack my gym bag the night before, otherwise I forget important things like sneakers. Ps. Don’t forget your socks!

Head Phones

I don’t use anything too fancy when I go to the gym, just regular ear buds do the job for me. I like to own multiple pairs because I’m constantly forgetting them or losing them. Have a pair that stays in your gym bag and is specifically for the gym and you will thank me.

Face Wipes

These are a must. I cringe thinking back to college when I would work out and go to cheerleading practice with a full face of makeup. No wonder breakouts were happening! Face wipes are super easy because you can keep them in your car or your gym bag and use them in your car on the way to the gym after leaving work. I could never go without them.

Take a peek at what's in my gym bag.


I like to use a quick swipe of toner on a cotton pad after using a makeup wipe. This will get rid of anything your makeup wipe missed. It might sound silly, but I try to avoid washing my face too much since it’s so sensitive. By using the face wipe and then a quick swipe of toner, you’re keeping the hot water off your face that dries skin out in the winter.


Water Bottle

A necessity. If you don’t take water to the gym, you won’t drink it. I for one, know that I will not get up and go to the water fountain every two seconds. Having a refillable water bottle is a must. Try to avoid buying a plastic water bottle every day and opt for a stainless steel refillable one.

Dry Shampoo

For those times when a friend asks you to meet up for drinks, but your hair is looking like a hot mess from the gym. Dry shampoo will soak up the excess grease and sweat and make sure you’re presentable to be in public. You obviously won’t have a perfect blow out, but it will make your pony look that much cuter!


What is your number one must have for the gym? Tell me in the comments below!


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.












Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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  1. 2.22.17
    Emily Macmillan said:

    Love this post! I always do the same thing with packing it the night before – if I don’t there’s noooo way I’ll make it 😂

    • 2.22.17
      Maddy said:

      Especially on those cold and rushed morning !

  2. 2.22.17
    Maddy said:

    My number one essential is probably the deodorant and water bottle. I feel that when I don’t have deodorant I am stinking up the whole gym. H2O! I am constantly drinking water throughout the day so at the gym it is a definite essential. Love you and your posts!

  3. 3.3.17
    Kaylie said:

    Love this! Where did you get the water bottle from? Thanks for sharing.

    xKaylie |

    • 3.3.17
      Mackenzie said:

      Thanks Kaylie!! It’s a S’well water bottle. You can get it here: . I have the 17 oz. and I think it’s the perfect size!