Funny Valentine’s Day Cards

Since moving out of state from family and many of my friends, sending and receiving cards is one of my favorite things. The amount of effort it takes is so small, but trust me when I say that they always give the receiver a smile. Also, if you’re the sender, it just feels good knowing that you have a little surprise coming someone’s way! Lately, I’ve been loving funny Valentine’s Day cards.

Sharing some of the funniest Valentine's Day cards.Book: Urban Outfitters

Funny Valentine’s Day Cards

I love the idea of making homemade cards, but truthfully, arts and crafts have never really been my thing. I always buy my own cards, rather than making them, but cards seem to always be one of those things that you need last minute. I usually end up buying them from the grocery store or a drugstore, and they never seem to be as funny as the ones you find online. I love the idea of stocking up on cards and keeping them in a filing cabinet or an office for when an occasion pops up. My mom does this and it’s such a life saver, because I could always just flip through the ones she has.

Since I live for making other people laugh (and puns) I love sending funny or witty cards to people whenever I send them (unless it’s a sad occasion obviously). I am a huge believer in “if you’re not laughing, you’re not living,” as corny as that might sound. But think about it. There’s already so many things that we have to take seriously every day! Why not laugh or make someone else laugh whenever you can?! I’ve rounded up some of my favorite funny Valentine’s Day cards. Give your grandparents, mom, sister, significant other, or bestie a chuckle next week! 🙂








Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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