When it Seems All Direction Is Lost Within Your Blog

how to find your direction in your blog

Bodega in North Beach, San Francisco

When I started this blog seven months ago, I started a bit lost. Sure, I’d been mentally planning my blog for years (no joke), but at some point you forget about making every single little thing perfect, and just START somewhere. No matter what I write about, I’ve always wanted it to come back to a couple things – the experience and the person or people I’m sharing it with. To me, these are the most important things in life. More important than having the best car, the newest handbag, or the most expensive lipstick. Sure, we might love these things, but I can promise you one thing… They don’t love you back!

To be completely honest, I’ve been feeling a lack of direction regarding my blog for the past few months, although, more recently have been feeling that I’m getting myself back on track. Today, I had an epiphany about the direction that my blog is going in… and it’s a direction I’m not necessarily proud of. And guess what – it can be really hard to admit to yourself that you’re unhappy with the direction that something YOU CREATED is going in.

Bottom line is that I don’t want Brunch on Sunday to be a “shopping blog” or a website about accumulating more and more things. While I write this, I mean absolutely no disrespect to bloggers that focus on shopping and sharing fashion tips. These blogs serve a valuable purpose to so many of us, myself included. But do you know what I realized today? What’s fun about reading a blog that is pushing you to buy more and more “things?!” Better yet, what’s fun about writing about these things? To me that’s just not fun or interesting anymore.  What’s fun about feeling like you can never keep up with what everyone else is buying and wearing?! What’s fun about feeling like you need to go to the mall every single weekend to make sure you have the latest and greatest outfits to take photos of for your blog? To me, it’s exhausting, overwhelming, and doesn’t come from a true place of happiness.

But do you know what does make me happy? Discovering a new hidden gem in my city that has amazing views, coming across a new favorite wine, traveling with loved ones, trying new recipes, and photography, to name just a few things. For those of you who do follow Brunch on Sunday for style and beauty inspiration or tips, have no fear because it won’t be going away completely. However, I want to refocus on the things I love that inspired Brunch on Sunday to be a blog in the first place. Feelings, experiences, and the people we share them with. There’s a reason that I named this blog, Brunch on Sunday. To me it’s one of the happiest things in this life – a much anticipated meal with people we love.

In the next couple weeks, I’ll be putting together a new series that includes brunch spots, coffee shops, and some of my absolute favorite places in the different cities that I’ve visited so far. It will be a running-list, so that as I travel and discover new spots, they will be added, and can be a resource for you when you travel. Have a favorite spot in your city that I need to visit and see for myself?! Comment below to let me know! As always, thank you all for your support of Brunch on Sunday. It truly wouldn’t be anything without you, the readers!!!

The photo at the top of this post is a recently discovered gem from North Beach in San Francisco, California. More about Bodega, coming soon! Have you ever felt lost with the direction that your blog, business, or life is going? Comment below and tell me how you came to the realization and what you did to get yourself back on track! xo









Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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  1. 11.7.16

    Mackenzie, I’m loving the new direction you are deciding to take your blog in. I think this is something that will work greatly for you! I already love all your travel, food and other cute places you visit. Looking forward to seeing more of that on the blog. 😊
    -Xo Limairy

    • 11.8.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Limairy, thank you so much for such a sweet, supportive comment! I hope this new direction feels more “me” and hopefully that will show through the writing. Thank you SO much for taking the time to write this to me. I really appreciate it. This was so nerve racking to write!!! xoxo

  2. 11.12.16

    Mackenzie, I’m SO excited about this new direction, babe! Your words ring so much truth to it – and you seriously do such a great job at showcasing the cutest gem spots in cities! As someone who adores traveling and discovering new place, I can’t wait to read your new series! You go girl!! <3

    xo Abby

    • 11.13.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a sweet comment. Sharing my favorite spots and the stories behind them is one of my favorite parts about blogging. So… I figured, why not make it a larger part of the blog?! Thank you for being so sweet!! xo