When Social Media Steals Happiness

Comparison is the Thief of Joy: How to Deal With Your Thoughts & Learn to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others


When Social Media Steals Happiness

“Social media steal happiness, you’ve got to be kidding me,” you’re saying. Or perhaps you’re an avid Instagram-er and Facebook-er and you can completely relate to what I’m saying. Maybe you know the feeling… Your alarm rings at 6 AM for work, and what’s the first thing you do? Grab your phone, of course and see what you missed overnight in your news feed. Barely looking out one eye through the bright light, you see that girl from high school, on ANOTHER vacation, and you haven’t even been on one in the past couple years. You keep scrolling. Another friend was in New York City for the weekend. Another friend just got a puppy. Your sister just got a new car. You roll your eyes and somehow pull yourself out of bed to get into the shower before you get ready to go to the job you hate. Sound familiar?

how to stop comparing yourself to others

At what point does scrolling through your Instagram and Facebook feed become obsessive and detrimental to your own mental health? I truthfully believe that we’ve all been on both sides of this phenomenon. We’ve all been the person that others are envious of, and yet we’ve all been on the opposite side, where we look at others and think their life seems so much better than our own. So if we know we’re doing it and it’s not necessarily true, why do we do it?

In some ways you could say that we’re bombarded by photos and words every single day through every social media channel that we have, so we can’t help it. But in some sick, twisted way, we seek it out, even though we know it makes us feel like crap (we just can’t seem to look away). And guess what, here’s the thing about comparison – If you keep looking for it, someone’s always going to have “a better life,” or what appears like a better life. Someone’s always going to be prettier, funnier, smarter, but no one is YOU. I am a firm believer in the fact that we all have something special about us; something that makes us stand out from others; we may not find that or realize it, unfortunately. Without getting too preach-y on you, if you think of the INSANELY TINY chance that you even end up alive on this planet, it’s pretty wild. So don’t you think that if you were put on this planet to begin with, then you deserve to think that you’re just a little bit special, and might be meant to do great things too?! Yes!

how to stop comparing
Source: Unknown

Remember This:

Here’s the thing you have to think about. Photos in a news feed are simply a snapshot of a moment. They ONLY show the second that the photograph was taken. They don’t show the hours and hours the person worked their butt off to be able to afford the vacation that you’re swooning over. Those Stuart Weitzman boots your friend has… Guess what, she’s been saving up for three years for them.

Photos on Instagram particularly, are the “highlight reel” photos. For the most part, they’re the best of the best of the things that happen in our lives. Think about it- why would someone post a photo on Instagram of themselves sitting on the couch alone on a Saturday night (even though we’ve all been there)? Because it’s not ideal, it’s not enviable, it might even be a little bit embarrassing. I read an amazing quote that helped me to connect all of these thoughts: “Stop comparing your ‘behind the scenes’ to someone else’s ‘highlight reel.’ ” BOOM. Doesn’t that just put everything in perspective? And better yet, stop comparing your highlight reel to someone else’s highlight reel. Because when you compare, you get yourself into a cycle of never, ever being good enough.

Okay, you’re saying…. But how do I actually STOP comparing myself to others? If it were easy, then there would be an on and off switch and I wouldn’t need to be writing this blog post. It’s something we all struggle with, some times are harder than other times. But the bottom line is that it starts with yourself. It starts with knowing that you are worthy, valuable, special, and unique.

When Social Media Steals Happiness

Realize That Your Feeling is Linked To Unhappiness Or a Feeling of Inadequacy in Your Own Life.

And then forgive yourself for having these feelings. It’s normal to have these feelings from time to time, but when you let them take over your life, that’s when you’re in trouble. If you need to do something productive with these feelings, write them down in a notebook, ask yourself why you’re feeling this way, and then write some final thoughts or a next step for yourself. Here’s an example: “I’m so envious that my friend got a new puppy… I’m feeling this way because I’ve been wanting a puppy for a few years now… But, I’m not allowed to have dogs at my apartment and I enjoy traveling on the weekends, so having a dog actually wouldn’t be very practical at this point in my life.” See how refreshing it feels to get that out? Here’s another hypothetical example: “I’m feeling upset because my sister got a new car, and I really need a new car too… I’m feeling this way because I’m embarrassed of my old, run down car that’s going to die any day now… But, I’ve been spending all my savings at the mall, so I haven’t taken the steps to save up for a new car.”

Writing your thoughts down on paper and coming up with a plan makes things much more productive and creates an action plan for yourself. I don’t know about you guys, but when I’m feeling worried or anxious, I can let the same thought circle and circle and circle throughout my head over and over again to the point where I worry even more. By writing down your worries and thoughts, you’re in some ways, “putting an end” to the thought and getting it out of your head. You can then move on with a much more clear mind. You’re telling your mind that it’s out of your thoughts and it’s now somewhere else.

how to stop comparing yourself to others

Source: Unknown

Start Complimenting People

And not on social media!!! Do it in real life. Love someone’s shirt? Tell them! Love how hard your husband or wife works? Tell them. However, I always feel that the best compliments to the people we love are about their character, not physical ones (although both types always feel nice to hear). That being said, compliments should always be genuine and come from the heart. By complimenting others, you’re practicing positivity and pushing negativity to the side.

social media and happinessCredit


Honestly, I have always seemed to feel happiest when I’ve done something nice for someone else (whether that’s bringing a coworker in need a coffee, offering to watch the kids of a friend who just needs to get out of the house for a few hours, volunteering in an elementary classroom around the holidays, or making dinner for your grandparents). When you stop revolving all of your thoughts around yourself, you just feel better.

When Social Media Steals Happiness

Source: Unknown

Ask Yourself What You Can Learn From Others

Still can’t get envious thoughts out of your head about a person you look up to? Ask yourself what you can learn from this person, rather than letting negative thoughts about this person circle in your head.


SERIOUSLY Limit Your Time Spent On Social Media

Before I started blogging , I will admit that I spent a lot of time on social media, but nowhere near as much as I spend now. Constantly scrolling through social media feeds keeps you from being in the present and living your own life. We are all so much more than what is shown online, agree? So stop seeking out so much validation on the internet, and start seeking it out in real life. Stop letting “likes” determine your self worth.ย Because guess what, when you die one day, it’s not going to say the total amount of likes you ever received on your grave. Your online followers aren’t going to show up to your funeral. Stop ignoring the people that actually matter in your everyday life because you’re too busy looking at your phone. Stop telling friends “you can’t come” because you’re too lazy to get off your couch and don’t want to stop looking at your phone while in your sweatpants.

To feel happier, stop looking at your phone as soon as you get up. Wake up, get a cup of coffee and turn on the news if you’re still craving screen time. Also consider turning off screens an hour before bed time. It’s proven to help you sleep better, and will ease your mind.

How to stop comparing yourself to others on social media

Source: Unknown

Keep a Gratitude Journal

Or if that’s not your thing, before you fall asleep at night, consciously think about (or write) one thing you’re thankful for from that day. It might sound lame, but by focusing on what you do have, rather than what you don’t have, you’re practicing having a more positive mind. I challenge you to keep a gratitude journal from now until Thanksgiving of 2017 and to see how it has changed your mind, thoughts, and maybe even your life. Who’s up for the challenge?!


Realize That There’s Room For Everyone to Shine

For some strange, ugly reason – we tell ourselves that if someone else is shining and doing amazing things, this takes away from our own shine. Guess what, it’s not true! We are all capable of shining next to each other without it taking away from another person. Remember that while we all may never have equal attributes, we each have our own strengths and things that make us, US. Wouldn’t life be so boring if we were all the same?


I hope this has helped you in some way, even if it’s a small one. If you’re not someone who struggles with comparison, then lucky you, but consider that those around you may struggle with it. Consciously think about the things you say before they come out of your mouth. Almost every time we turn to say something bad about someone else, it’s because of a feeling of inadequacy in our own life. So stop having gossip sessions with your girlfriends and start sharing your dreams, passions, and hopes. You’d be amazed at the difference in how you feel by stopping this negative cycle.


Have you ever tried any of these tips? What do you do when you can’t stop the thoughts of comparison? I’m curious to know your thoughts. Comment below ๐Ÿ™‚











Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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  1. 11.14.16
    Leah said:

    Wow, what an inspiring & motivational post for this Monday morning! Love!

    X – L e a h

    • 11.14.16
      Mackenzie said:

      I’m so glad you enjoyed this post!! I too, struggle with thoughts of comparison. I found it so therapeutic to write this post!! xo

  2. 11.14.16
    April said:

    This is such a helpful post. It just goes to show how a positive outlook on life can dramatically influence your level of happiness. You are absolutely right that you should stop comparing yourself to everyone else. This post should be shared with everyone I know!

    • 11.16.16
      Mackenzie said:

      April, I’m so so happy that you found it helpful!! Thanks for all your sweet words ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. 11.14.16
    Lily said:

    Girl I loved this post so so so so so much!!! SO well written and so beyond inspiring. You truly have a way with words my friend!

    • 11.16.16
      Mackenzie said:

      You’re sweet; thank you so much, Lily!! I’m so glad you loved it!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. 11.17.16
    Liz said:

    Omg this is so good!!! I compare myself all the time to other bloggers! It’s causes me so much anxiety I don’t sleep at night. I’m going to have to remember this.

    • 11.20.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Liz, I’m so glad you loved this!! Let me know if any of these tips start helping you at all xoxo

  5. 11.17.16
    Ruthie said:

    This could not be more true. You have highlighted so much reality in here I feel like it needs to be pinned all over Pinterest and sent to every bloggers inbox. You’re so right focus on your own stuff, stay in your lane, be grateful to God for what you have. You are amazing

    • 11.20.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Aw thank you so much, Ruthie!! You made my day with your sweet comment!! xoxo

  6. 11.17.16
    Aly said:

    Wow I love this soooo much! It is really hard to remember (ESPECIALLY for us bloggers/influencers/etc) that social media is not everything, and that self validation should come exactly from there- ourselves! Thank you for posting this ๐Ÿ™‚ XOXO, Aly

    • 11.20.16
      Mackenzie said:

      It really is such a struggle when a huge part of your job is being on social media. We judge ourselves by the collaborations we get and the followers we have. It really is so difficult. It gives us a false sense of what’s important. I’m glad you loved this, Aly!! xoxo

      • 4.26.19

        Wow. I absolutely love this article and that being lead by a false sense can take away a persons joy. Ive experienced the loss of happiness and much more when hanging around energy stealing people. When I realized my worth, I realized for once I was free from all the negatives that brought me down. I was not made to be anyone else but the person God made me to be. I’m grateful and my heart is happy because of it. I used to pretend to be someone or have things I knew I would never be able to afford. For what… why be fake if I’ll never be able to experience its purpose. My heart is happy when someone smiles, it’s amazing what the world could do if we all just smiled. The world would be electric!

  7. 11.17.16
    stephani said:

    this is such a great, inspirational post. definitely need to hear some of this ! much appreciated!

    xo, steph

    • 11.20.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Thank you, Steph!! I’m so glad you found it helpful. I found it really therapeutic to write as well!! xoxo

  8. 11.17.16
    Shannon said:

    Great post! I know the feeling ohhhh so well. In fact, even Kendall Jenner deleted her insta since she said it was consuming her. It’s so easy to let it happen but I love using it more for connecting and engagement & less for comparison. When I get stuck in those comparison ruts (ughhhhh), I take a social media detox! I come back from it completely inspired and hope to inspire more. I love posts like these because I feel as bloggers we all feel it and it’s always nice to know we aren’t alone! xx Shannon

    • 11.20.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Aw thank you, Shannon!!! I really also think that half the battle is knowing that you’re not alone, not a weirdo, and that so many other people feel the same way. Thanks for reading!! xoxo

  9. 11.17.16
    Vanessa said:

    This is so inspiring for women. Too much comparison nowadays! Do you do you!

    Vanessa | http://www.vanessarenae.com

    • 11.20.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Thank you Vanessa!! So glad you liked it.

  10. 11.18.16

    this is an awesome post! i love the third quote. ๐Ÿ™‚ xo

    • 11.20.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Thank you Christina!! So glad you loved it!

  11. 11.18.16
    Chelsea said:

    This was amazing – my favorite post so far.

    • 11.20.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Aw thank you Chelsea!!! So glad you enjoyed it!! xo

  12. 12.13.16
    Kasey said:

    Such a great and thoughtful post. Thanks for sharing! <3



    • 3.20.17
      Mackenzie said:

      Kasey, thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to read! So glad you enjoyed it xoxo

  13. 3.19.17
    Amber said:

    Loved reading this Mackenzie! I def. try to implement a lot of these tips in my daily life, b/c like you said it is so hard to sometimes be present and in the moment with social media taking over our lives. Thanks for your encouraging words. It really helped inspire me!

    • 3.20.17
      Mackenzie said:

      Aw I’m so glad you enjoyed this Amber!! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. So glad it helped you xoxo