How to Prevent Dry Skin This Winter

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #WetSkinMoisturizer #CollectiveBias

jergens wet skin moisturizer

As if the weather slowly turning to frigid temperatures isn’t bad enough, the damage the cold does to skin and hair always seems to leave me frustrated. Dry patches, flaky skin, and maybe the biggest annoyance for me, itchy skin! Unfortunately, we aren’t even out of fall yet and my legs have already been telling me they need a little more love, through extremely itchy, dry skin.

I’ve teamed up with Jergens and Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer to introduce you to their new moisturizer, as well as providing some of my favorite tips for keeping skin moisturized throughout the cold months.

How to Prevent Dry Skin This Winter with jergens wet skin moisturizer

Wet skin moisturizer

Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer is a moisturizer that is used at the end of your shower while the skin is still wet. It makes moisturizing every day easier, since it becomes part of your everyday shower routine. They come in five different scents (but make sure to go to WalMart, as they’re EXCLUSIVELY selling the Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer with Cherry Almond Essence). A couple of my favorite scents are the Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer with Restoring Argan Oil and the Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer with Cherry Almond Essence.

How to Prevent Dry Skin This Winter

How to Prevent Dry Skin This Winter

How to Prevent Dry Skin This Winter
Available at WalMart!


At the end of your shower while the skin is still wet, take a dime-sized amount and apply to each arm. Use a quarter-sized amount for each leg. Apply to other areas you normally apply lotion. Pat dry with a towel as normal, and you’re on your way! I love that I can incorporate it into my shower routine and not have to wait for lotion to dry before getting dressed. That sticky feeling and then putting clothes on = no bueno.

How to Prevent Dry Skin This Winter



Lather Up With Lotion

So this is an obvious one, but I still have such a hard time loading up with lotion, because I often hate the sticky feeling that it leaves me with. Or better yet, do you guys know the feeling when you don’t have time for your lotion to Dry and you put on tight jeans… Oh, I hate that feeling so, so much! And since I’m almost always in a rush, this leads to me avoiding lotion a lot of the time. Opt to leave lotion next to your bed for before you fall asleep, or if you like applying it in the morning, definitely check out Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer.

How to Prevent Dry Skin This Winter


Avoid Scalding Yourself with Hot Water in the Shower

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m SO guilty of this one. When the air is freezing, it’s so easy to turn the temperature of the water in the shower to “as hot as it goes.” But did you know that hot water dries out your hair and skin? Hot water strips the skin and hair’s natural oils that are their natural defense against irritants and dryness. Both the skin and hair require a delicate balancing act. For those of us who could never see ourselves doing anything but having a hot shower, consider warming yourself up in the morning by doing a workout. Even if it’s as little as 15-20 minutes, it will get your blood pumping and get you moving in the morning (and will hopefully help you avoid having a scalding hot shower).

Take Off Makeup With a Cold Cream

For dry, flaky skin that is prone to redness and irritation, I actually prefer to use a cold cream to remove makeup instead of makeup removing wipes in the winter. I wet my face, put a quarter sized amount in my palm, rub all over, and then remove withe either a cotton pad or a washcloth (if your skin is really, really sensitive, opt for using a cotton pad). You can then continue your regular cleansing routine like normal.

Drink Tons of Water

Again, this may be obvious, but I always notice amazing changes in my skin when I’m fully hydrated. Being hydrated keeps you alert, flushes out toxins more efficiently, lower stress levels, lubricates your joints, improves circulation and blood flow, and plumps and hydrates the skin. Hydrated skin just plain looks better (and always clears my breakouts when I drink a ton of water)!

Double Up With a Moisturizer and Serum

I touch on this in this post, but when skin is extremely dry and sensitive (think wind burn from a day on the slopes), I always turn to using both a serum and a moisturizer. I put a pea-sized amount of moisturizer in my hand, add 2-3 drops of a serum, rub lightly together to mix, and then apply to my face. For the body, you can combine a body oil with lotion/moisturizer.


What’s your favorite tip for keeping skin moisturized in the colder months? Comment below and let me know! Also, check out other bloggers’ ideas for keeping dry skin at bay by clicking here!






Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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  1. 11.3.16
    Amber said:

    I love Jergens! I’ve been using their lotions for years. I need to try that body wash. It looks amazing for winter.


  2. 11.3.16
    Lauren said:

    I recently tried this moisturizer and I love it! I still use their traditional moisturizer at night because I do feel like it does a better job, but this has been amazing for my morning shower. I haven’t tried the different scents, but I definitely want to after seeing all the ones they have here!!


  3. 11.3.16
    Ellie said:

    Oh my goodness me, I need this post! I get such bad dry skin in the Winter months. Definitely bookmarking this!


  4. 11.3.16
    Stefanie said:

    I love this stuff! I actually ran out and I need to get some more asap!

  5. 11.3.16
    Steph said:

    I hate having dry skin in the winter so I will def. have to check this out!! Thanks for sharing!

    xO – Steph

  6. 11.3.16
    Anna said:

    I love that stuff!!! My definite for dry months! Xo ~Anna

  7. 11.4.16
    Jessica said:

    Jergens is the BEST! Thanks god for it! Otherwise all of my skin would fall off during the winter.
    xo Jessica