The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need for Visiting Mr. Holmes Bakehouse

Travel Tag: San Francisco, California
Location: Mr. Holmes Bakehouse

Upon walking into Mr. Holmes Bakehouse, at first glance (and bite), you may think you’ve arrived to heaven, but have no fear, you’re still alive.

The Only Guide You'll Ever Need For Visiting Mr. Holme's Bakehouse

The Only Guide You'll Ever Need For Visiting Mr. Holme's Bakehouse

The cruffin. It can only be best described as the epic love-child of a croissant, muffin, and sugar raised donut. They’re essentially croissants that are baked in muffin tins, which are then filled with pastry cream, and rolled in sugar. Quite honestly, they’ve made their way into the top five of “Best Things I’ve Ever Eaten in My Entire Life,” and that’s a list that’s tough to break into. These cruffins are perfectly buttery and flaky, while also stuffed with a filling that is nowhere near as sweet as I imagined it would be. If you’re hoping for a muffin consistency, you’re going to be sadly disappointed, because the only thing about these that is muffin-like is the shape (team croissants over muffins anyways). The filling is nowhere near as sweet as frosting, and the ratio of croissant to filling is perfected down to a science. No flavors overpower each other; they balance each other out in the best ways.

So why do you need to immediately go to Mr. Holmes Bakehouse if you travel to San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Seoul, South Korea? Read on to see and hear why, but let me preface this post by saying that I may spend the rest of my life trying to hunt down the recipe, even if it kills me (or at least demanding that they start shipping them overnight)!!! Below, I’ve put together some tips for visiting so that you too, can have an amazing experience, and get your hands on these delicious treats (I mean I can’t stop thinking about them).

Mr. Holme's Bakehouse

I hadn’t done much research before going here. I just knew that I had seen these delectable looking treats all over social media, and I needed one in my life stat. I needed to know if they’re as tasty as they seem, and because of this, I had a feeling that it would be wise to show up early.

It’s important to know that the bakery itself opens at 8AM and you can buy the other baked goods at this time (not cruffins). However, the cruffins ARE NOT available until 9AM, and there are separate lines to get into, depending on what you want. I recommend getting there early (AKA before 9AM). Upon arriving, we were a little bit confused about the lines and which one to get into. Luckily there are signs telling you what to do (the line on the left is for if you want to wait for cruffins, while the line on the right side of the building is for getting the regular baked goods that are available at the 8AM opening; obviously a much shorter line). At 8:30 on a Sunday, we were about ten people back from the beginning which was completely fine. I would recommend arriving before 9AM (anytime between 8:15-8:45). But what if I want cruffins and the regular baked goods, you ask?! Yeah, I had the same FOMO, but have no fear because you can get in the cruffin line and then get the rest of your baked goods after. (TIP: They also have coffee, so send one of the people in your party inside from the short line to get coffee for everyone while you wait)!

Mr. Holme's Bakehouse

Mr. Holme's Bakehouse

And if they don’t wan’t one… even better! The more for you! Okay, but I say this because when you get in line to get the cruffins, you’re given a sticker which is good for two cruffins per person. The people behind us had a baby, and I made a joke to them about whether they gave a sticker to the baby or not, and they did!!! So if you have little humans, bring them, because they will still be given a sticker, and don’t feel guilty, because these are so good that you’re going to want as many as you can get your paws on.

The Only Guide You'll Ever Need For Visiting Mr. Holme's Bakehouse

Why is it that all the best places are packed on the weekends, after you’ve been waiting your ENTIRE week to find the time to go?! I know, I feel your pain. To avoid some of the crowds, try going to Mr. Holmes on a weekday while everyone else is at work! I would still suggest arriving early, but the lines will be shorter than weekends.

The Only Guide You'll Ever Need For Visiting Mr. Holme's Bakehouse

They have a flavor of the day and if it’s one you don’t like, then unfortunately you’ll just have to come back another time. I was a little bit surprised to see that they didn’t have more than one flavor, but we were so lucky because when we went, the flavor of the day was chocolate peanut butter. I’m a chocolate and peanut butter freak so as you can (maybe) imagine, if you’re someone who is also chocolate and peanut butter obsessed, I was basically frothing at the mouth at this point LOL LOL… but I’m serious.

The Only Guide You'll Ever Need For Visiting Mr. Holme's Bakehouse

The Only Guide You'll Ever Need For Visiting Mr. Holme's Bakehouse

The Only Guide You'll Ever Need For Visiting Mr. Holme's Bakehouse


I’m not joking when I say I had croissant crumbs in my hair, pastry filling all over my face, and looked like a rabid dog while eating these… Without a care in the world, because obviously, THEY’RE THAT GOOD (and I haven no shame if it’s really, really good food). If Geoff ever thought about breaking up with me, it was definitely at this moment… He was staring at me a little funny, I have no idea why ;-).

You’re going to want to eat these on the street right after you get them, but try to resist the urge. You need to be sitting down to eat these/away from the general public. They’re a bit messy, and they need to be fully enjoyed – mess and all. Also, there is no inside seating at the San Francisco location, so plan accordingly.

the-only-guide-youll-ever-need-toThe Only Guide You'll Ever Need For Visiting Mr. Holme's Bakehouse

If you don’t ask for the box (which is more expensive by the way, because you’re required to fill it with at least six pastries… but honestly, not a problem over here, I was planning on it anyway LOL), they will put your cruffins in a bag. One of the best things about Mr. Holmes Bakehouse, in my opinion, is the graphic design. There’s attention to every detail; from the interior and the light-up sign, the boxes lined up in the window, and the design of the box. It’s all so well done. And trust me, you want the box. Not only is it more photogenic, but your cruffins will stay together easier without falling over and getting the filling everywhere, and you can load up the other baked goods inside (get the donuts). A win, win in my book!

If you ever get the chance to go here, DO IT. My only regret about going is that I’ll now spend every single second until I return, craving these little muffin-shaped pieces of heaven.

The Only Guide You'll Ever Need For Visiting Mr. Holme's Bakehouse










Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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  1. 10.25.16

    I need to book my flights to San Fran ASAP! Your trip seriously looked incredible <3
    xx Tess | Sequins are the New Black

    • 10.31.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Aw thanks Tess!!! San Francisco was incredible. You know those places you visit where you think “wow I could really live there?!” It was amazing! If only it wasn’t so far haha. Thanks for reading!! xo

  2. 10.28.16

    LOVE your photos for this, darling! Such a good guide + that place is BOMB!

    • 10.31.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Thanks Elana!! This place is SO amazing. i was fully impressed. To me, it wasn’t a bit overrated!! xo

  3. 12.7.16
    Gina said:

    I’m so glad you dedicated an entire post to this, cruffins are literally my favorite thing in the world. I went out of my way to get them the last time I was in Korea as well. #fangirl

    • 12.9.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Aren’t they amazing?! I would pay big money to have them shipped to me haha. For now, a girl can dream!! 🙂