Darken Your Lashes With Rimmel’s Volume Colourist Mascara

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Darken Your Lashes With Rimmel Volume Colourist Mascara

Results after using Rimmel’s Volume Colourist Mascara for 2 weeks. Note: There is no mascara on these eyelashes (left eye) shown here!

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Darken Your Lashes With Rimmel Volume Colourist Mascara

Darken Your Lashes With Rimmel Volume Colourist Mascara

Darken Your Lashes With Rimmel Volume Colourist Mascara

Darken Your Lashes With Rimmel Volume Colourist Mascara

Mascara: Rimmel Volume Colourist Mascara via Target (get 25% off by using this!)

As a fair skinned blonde, I’ve always been a little bit envious of my naturally tan, dark haired friends. They seem to have the perfect olive skin complexion (tan all year, so not fair ;-)), and their eyelashes and eyebrows stand out with little to no makeup. While I’ve always had fairly thick, long lashes, as a natural blonde, my eyelashes are fair and I tend to look washed out with no mascara. I’ve thought about getting eyelash extensions, however, the expense, upkeep, and fear of forever ruining my natural lashes has stopped me from going in that direction.

Recently, I heard about the complete game changer that is Rimmel’s Volume Colourist Mascara. It’s used just as you would use a regular mascara, except it offers a semi-permanent tint to the lashes; visible after 2-4 weeks! One of the best parts is that you don’t have to go running to your local mall or go online shopping for it; it’s available right at your local Target (or online here if you rarely find yourself going into stores).

Darken Your Lashes With Rimmel Volume Colourist Mascara

How It Works:
Rimmel’s Volume Colourist Mascara instantly covers every lash with black pigment that makes lashes appear longer, fuller, and more dramatic for daytime or night. After applying (I always apply in the morning when I get ready and do my makeup), the unique lash-tint complex goes to work and intensifies the color of your lashes with every application (even when you remove your eye makeup at night)! You can also read more about it here!

How Permanent Is it?
The lash tint complex is considered to offer semi-permanent results after two weeks of continuous use. Obviously, the more you use it, the quicker you see results. This doesn’t mean that you need to keep re-appyling throughout the day; once a day will suffice. I used it once a day for two weeks as I use any regular mascara, and I recommend you do the same. The semi-permanent tint will wear off gradually after the last usage.

Darken Your Lashes With Rimmel Volume Colourist Mascara

Is It Safe?
No need to fear, this mascara is dermatologist and ophthalmologist tested. The lash tint complex is in no way unsafe for the eyes or eyelashes.

I applied this mascara every morning for two weeks, and I must say that I definitely noticed a difference. If you don’t immediately notice a change, don’t get frustrated, because it definitely takes almost the full two weeks to notice. As far as the formula, I have very sensitive skin and eyes, and in the past, many mascaras have made my eyes itch and caused irritation. This formula caused no sensitivity or itchiness. The lighter your features, especially eyelashes, the more of a difference you will notice with results. I would only recommend this for those who are fair and have light eyelashes, like me! While this mascara definitely gives a tint, that being said, I personally like the thickening and lengthening look that mascara gives, so I will still be wearing mascara daily. Since I don’t wear makeup to the gym, Rimmel Volume Colourist Mascara did make me feel a little less naked at the gym 😉 !

Before & After, Rimmel Volume Colourist Mascara

Rimmel Tutorial
Easy Bronzed Glam Using Rimmel Products
1. Start with a fresh face
2. Apply foundation, concealer, bronzer as normal
3. Apply Rimmel’s Volume Colourist Mascara
3. Apply Rimmel’s Colour Precise Eyeliner in 01- Black.
4. Apply Rimmel’s Provocalips in 500- Kiss Me Fool. (Cheerleader friends: This lip is perfect for game day because it lasts 16 hours, but isn’t drying and isn’t sticky (your hair won’t get caught in your lip gloss/lip stick)!

Blonde friends and those who also have light eyelashes – I challenge you to take the 2 week Rimmel Volume Colourist Mascara Challenge! Post your before and after photo with the hashtags #DareToDarken and #NeverGoNaked to show off your results!



Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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  1. 7.25.16
    Emily said:

    Mackenzie, you are just so cute! It sounds like this mascara is pretty awesome, to be able to do that! and I LOVE that lip color on you. I’m all for any lip color with great staying power!

  2. 7.25.16
    Hales said:

    I have to try this product! You look gorgeous girl!

    Xo, Hales | http://www.sincerelyhales.com

  3. 7.25.16
    Jessica said:

    Rimmel has my favorite mascara!
    xo Jessica

  4. 7.25.16
    Abby said:

    Wow! I’ve never heard of mascara offering a semi-permanent tint before!

    Xoxo takingonthekitchen.weebly.com

  5. 7.25.16
    Julie said:

    Nice to know it doesn’t have to be expensive.

  6. 7.25.16
    Kait Elizabeth said:

    This sounds like a really great product to try out!!! Hugs, Kait

  7. 7.25.16

    You look so gorgeous! I want to try this out. It sounds awesome! I love your hair up and the red lip, so pretty babe xo

  8. 7.25.16
    cara said:

    Such an awesome product and it’s nice for fair-skinned blondes to help further define the eyelashes. Great post and I love Rimmel products! 🙂

  9. 7.25.16
    Terryn said:

    I have never heard of such a thing! That is so neat! Gotta love Target 🙂

  10. 7.25.16

    What an interesting mascara concept! I currently have eyelash extensions but I would be very curious to try this especially as someone with blonde lashes.


  11. 7.25.16
    tara said:

    this is so interesting! i have never heard of anything like this! its like tanning lotion i guess?! my lashes are pretty dark but this is genius for lighter hair girls!
    xo, tara

  12. 7.25.16
    Falon said:

    This is awesome! I never would have thought to look for this, but it seems like a great product!

  13. 7.25.16

    That lip color is gorgeous on you!! The mascara sounds awesome and seems like a great product! <3

  14. 7.25.16
    Greta said:

    I love Rimmel’s lipstick but will have to try this mascara!

    Greta | http://www.gretahollar.com

  15. 7.25.16
    Mistle said:

    I have heard a lot of great things about Rimmel products but have never used them. I love a great mascara though. I will have to check this out!

  16. 7.26.16
    Shan said:

    So glad this is a positive review. I am lirlterally going to buy this tomorrow!!! I have long lashes but they’re blonde at the tips so I would definitely use this. Thanks girl.

    PS: you’re gorgeous
    Have a lovely day

    Love Shan xxx

  17. 8.1.16

    This is SUCH a cool idea! I’ve never heard of mascara that did that…I might have to try some just because!

    Coming Up Roses