Cinnamon Bay, St. John, USVI

Cinnamon Bay, St. John, USVI

Cinnamon Bay, St. John, USVI

Cinnamon Bay, St. John, USVI

Cinnamon Bay, St. John, USVI

Cinnamon Bay, St. John, USVI
^shop these sunglasses here (in the color tortoise)

Cinnamon Bay, St. John, USVI

Cinnamon Bay, St. John, USVI
^the culprit lol

Cinnamon Bay, St. John, USVI

Rose All Day!
Twinning 🙂

Cinnamon Bay is one of my absolute favorite beaches in St. John, and with that name how can you not love it? I think it sounds so cute! If you love white sand and crystal clear turquoise water than Cinnamon Bay will be your perfect beach! Cinnamon Bay is located on the North Shore of St. John, USVI and is probably the second most popular beach after Trunk Bay (and is located right after Trunk Bay). However, don’t let its popularity scare you, because it doesn’t even come remotely close to that insanely overcrowded feel of New England beaches in the summer. Cinnamon Bay is free to the public and there’s a parking lot with quite a bit of parking available (probably 20 or so spots). If you’re at all nervous about finding parking, go early in the morning, or you can also pick up open air taxis (that seat about 10-15 people) from Cruz Bay for no more than $6 a person to Cinnamon Bay. Cinnamon Bay also has bathrooms, some concessions, and water sports equipment available for rent. If camping is your thing, Cinnamon Bay is also a campground and has campsites as well as cabins.

We went to Cinnamon Bay the day that we arrived in St. John and it was quite the day for me. We took the midnight flight from Boston on Saturday night (technically Sunday) and after a couple planes, a layover, taxi ride, and a ferry ride, we got to St. John by 8am Sunday morning (sounds way more complicated to get to than it really is). For some reason, this year it hit me so hard and I didn’t really sleep on the flight there. The good thing is that you wake up quickly when you finally arrive to the beauty that is St. John! We picked up sandwiches at Sam and Jack’s Deli (insanely amazing sandwiches and everything is made in house. They only take cash so plan accordingly) and packed drinks and headed out to Cinnamon Bay. Let me just start by mentioning that I got dive bombed by a bird at the beach who apparently likes their sandwiches just as much as I do. It was one of those moments where it made really odd eye contact and decided to go for the dive at my head anyway. Picture this bird tangled in my hair…fighting for my sandwich. It was an absolute mess hahaha. Through it all, the bird still managed to get part of my sandwich and of course it was the bacon… It couldn’t have been the arugula, right?! Anyways, it was fine, there were no injuries, and he only got a small piece. I couldn’t stop laughing! My dad said they recognize the weakest link! Lol I disagree on that but it was still funny.

One of my favorite things about tropical destinations is that the ocean water is warm enough to dive right into (New England is sooooo brutal even in the summer). The water at Cinnamon Bay is so clear that you don’t have to worry about touching any gross things on the bottom. However…. I do not recommend hanging out in the first 4 feet or so where the waves break. I wasn’t paying attention and literally got knocked down, dragged to the shore, dragged back, and then dragged to the shore again to come up for air haha. I got quite the mouthful of water, including up my nose, and a bathing suit completely full of sand, but all in all I remained pretty untouched. The most shocking thing was that my bathing suit stayed on. That hadn’t happened to me since high school when there was really bad rip tide at Old Orchard Beach with my best friend. So moral of the story, pay attention (unlike me), and if you have small children just be careful or make sure you watch very attentively!

So I spent a while trying to find links for you guys for other cute coozies… Who knew that the classier version is actually called a “drink sleeve?!” Unfortunately my “Rose All Day” one from Francesca’s is sold out, but here’s a couple others that I love (Will post the link when it becomes back in stock)! I love this one so much which is only $5 from Macy’s and is an extra 25% off with the code “FRIEND” now through May 2nd. Also love this one from Nordstrom that’s only $5! Also love this, this, and this. Hope you guys are having a great week! We’ve all survived Monday which is a feat in itself haha 🙂



Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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  1. 4.26.16
    Stephanie said:

    This looks amazing!!! I am dreaming of a tropical vacay right now at work. Love your koozie too!! SO cute!

    xO – Steph

    • 4.26.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Aw thanks, Stephanie!!! Thanks so much for reading xoxo


  2. 4.26.16
    Anna said:

    This place looks like a paradise! Wow! Just so beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

    • 4.26.16
      Mackenzie said:

      So glad you loved it!!! Thanks for reading, Anna!! xoxo

  3. 4.26.16
    Tina Kemper said:

    Love that story!! I’ve stayed at Cinnamon Bay Campground. Love that place and all the snorkeling and warm water. I have to get back there.

  4. 4.27.16

    This looks absolutely beautiful! Wish I was there with some rose too! I love the koozie- so cute 🙂
    xoxo, Jenna
    Boston Chic Party

    • 4.27.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Aw thanks, Jenna! It was absolutely perfect. Counting down the days until I can go back!!! xoxo