Homemade Acai Smoothie Bowls

Homemade Acai Smoothie Bowls

Homemade Acai Smoothie Bowls

Homemade Acai Smoothie Bowls

Homemade Acai Smoothie Bowls

Even though this breakfast might be one of the hardest words to say ever, I promise it’s one of the tastiest! I don’t know why, but it’s SO hard for me to remember how to pronounce it… say it with me- ah-sigh-ee.. Probably because myself and the rest of the world were pronouncing it as uh-ky for half of our lives! Some background for those of you who may be unfamiliar with it- acai comes from the acai palm tree and is native to South America. The part that we eat are the berries from the plant. Although not clinically proven, acai is thought to have even more antioxidants than strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries, and is also thought to help a variety of health concerns by aiding in weight loss, heart health, skin health, digestion, anti-aging, mental function, and boosts energy. But health benefits aside, bottom line is that it tastes great and is good for you.

Acai bowls and smoothies have gained huge popularity in the past year or two through juice and smoothie shops, but they can be expensive when they become an everyday habit (although there’s definitely worse habits out there); averaging around $7-8/bowl. Last year I discovered Sambazon Acai Smoothie Packs at Whole Foods (also recently found them at Wegman’s and have seen them on Amazon in bulk). Although this isn’t a breakfast that I run to during the week when I’m rushing to get out the door for work, it’s a great way to mix up your weekend breakfast to try something new. If the thought of eating a smoothie out of a bowl is not your style or you’re always in a rush, just add to your smoothie instead. The grocery store that I go to (Wegman’s) also has acai powder that can be added to smoothies, so if you live near a Wegman’s check that out! If you’re not near a Wegman’s or Whole Foods, check your local organic or natural food stores (my hometown readers, check Good Tern Co-Op).

Step 1: Prep toppings. Some I like to use are strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, banana, kiwi, almonds or other nuts, cocoa nibs, chia seeds, granola, and coconut.
Step 2: Run 2 smoothie packs under warm water for 5 seconds. (Note: for making a smoothie, just use 1 pack).
Step 3: Cut off the top of the packs to open and break up into a blender.
Step 4: Add your liquid of choice. The packages recommend juice or non-dairy milks (I never seem to have almond milk on me so I used coconut milk). Add 1/4 cup of liquid for a bowl, or 1 cup of liquid for a smoothie. I try to stay away from juices even though I love them, because most are loaded with sugar. I also add a Tablespoon of peanut butter to mine.
Step 5: Blend and pour into a bowl.
Step 6: Add toppings and enjoy!

I hope you guys try this and love it! Tag me on insta and show me if you make them! (Instagram: mackenzienoelm) For those who celebrate Easter, I hope you have a great weekend with your loved ones. I’m looking forward to heading home to the coast of Maine this afternoon with Geoff (my boyfriend for those who are still getting to know me) and am excited to have a relaxing weekend with my family. I’ve been sick this whole week, so the relaxation is much needed. My goal is to not eat every single piece of candy I see! 🙂




Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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