Everyday Waves Hair Tutorial

I’ve always received a lot of questions on how I do my hair, so I decided to finally do a video of me talking to myself for 18 minutes hair tutorial for you guys for an everyday wavy hair look. This is how I curl my hair when I’m pressed for time! The video is a bit on the long side, but doing this to your own hair shouldn’t really take longer than 10 minutes once your hair is dry! It took me longer to explain everything, so I apologize for how long it is! (Also, first Youtube video I’ve ever uploaded and UGH isn’t it funny how EVERYONE hates the way they sound? Oh well haha… Anyway, the technique is pretty simple. Most of the time I prefer to use a curling wand (or you can use a regular curling iron and just not use the clamp) because I find it much quicker and you can do larger sections of hair (my hair is soooo thick, so anything that saves me time with my hair I’m all for). Hope you guys enjoy. If you have any questions at all feel free to comment or email me 🙂 I have included the links of some of my favorite hair products and tools below!


Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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  1. 3.22.16

    awesome tutorial! I need to try to curl my hair!


    • 3.22.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Thanks Kelsey! So glad you like it. If you do, take a photo and tag me so I can see!!

  2. 3.22.16
    Kim said:

    Nice job. I’m a hairstylist and I’m always checking out what people are doing. This will be helpfu.

    • 3.22.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Thanks so much, Kim!!! I am certainly no professional so it means the world that you found it helpful! xo

  3. 3.23.16
    Victoria said:

    Thanks for posting! I saw this on my news feed and had to watch b/c I need all the curling tips and tricks I can get. I actually use my curler as a wand too because I have super thick hair as well and cannot curl my hair at all. Even when I use my curler like this I still have a hard time styling it so I’m glad I got to see how you do it!

    • 3.24.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Thanks so much for watching, Victoria! As good as thick hair looks, I’m glad someone else understands the pains of dealing with it haha. 🙂

  4. 3.24.16
    Tina Kemper said:

    Great Video! Your hair looks gorgeous!!