Empowering Each Other on International Women’s Day


Happy International Women’s Day! For those learning about this day for the first time, the purpose of International Women’s Day is to “celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievement of women.” While amazing gains have been made all over the world, there’s still so much more that can and will be done by women. I am lucky to have grown up with incredible role models for what a strong, classy, respectful, supportive woman should be. I also spent over 15 years of my life on gymnastics and cheerleading teams with some of the most genuine, take-charge, and hardworking ladies I’ve ever known. Yet somehow along the way, women have acquired this reputation of being unsupportive of each other. Today, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on this day, to post a few photos that I find inspiring, and to offer some of my insights into the little things that women can do every day to empower themselves and others. Remember: being nice is not a weakness 🙂

1. Befriend other women that you admire or want to be friends with.
I’ve always been a believer of the more friends you have, the merrier. Let’s face it, it can be really hard to make friends – especially after college! I have experienced this first hand after moving to a city a few years where I only knew a handful of people. Looking back on the past few years, if I were to have reached out to more people, I think I would have been happier and felt more fulfilled! Reach out, ask a potential friend to get coffee, go to a wine tasting, or even go on a hike. That being said, I still think my invention of a Tinder-type app for women trying to make friends needs to be a thing…

2. Stop talking badly about other women.
If you wouldn’t say it to their face, don’t say it! And even if you would say it to their face….Take the high road. 🙂 Talking about other women usually starts off as what seems like harmless gossip, but then escalates and creates a cycle of negativity. A couple months ago I walked by a couple girls on the street who were having a venting session about who I presume was one of their friends. Huge, huge wake up call. I cringed and finally realized how incredibly bad it sounds to hear people talking about others. If you’ve ever experienced this, then you know. All the onlooker is thinking is how it sounds like you’re the one with the problem. If you have children then this is an even bigger no-no. By talking badly about other women in front of your kids you are validating that what you’re doing is “okay” or “the right thing to do.” Unless it’s positive, stop talking about other women behind their backs!

3. Be less critical of yourself.
There’s a difference between having high standards for yourself and being critical of yourself. Women should by all means hold themselves to high standards, but what I’m talking about are the little nit-picky things that we do to ourselves every single day that can be damaging and have long term effects. Whatever it is that you’re insecure about, chances are you’re the only one that’s noticing! We all have our insecurities, but sometimes you have to “fake it till you make it.” This means, fake your confidence until it eventually becomes a habit and you believe it! PS. This is the ONE and only time I condone being fake about something! 🙂

4. Read Books
Eventually, reading the latest issue of gossip magazines and watching the latest snippets from TMZ is going to get old to you (I do still have a place in my heart for some E! News though)! Reading improves your vocabulary, your focus, memory, and creativity. Although I don’t read as much as I should, I always find it therapeutic when i do. I prefer having a physical book in front of me instead of a kindle, but kindles make it easier for traveling!

5. Watch the News (or read the newspaper online)
And 140 character updates from one of the news accounts you follow on Twitter doesn’t count! It’s not cute to be uninformed. With so much going on in our country lately, it’s more important than ever to be in the know. I like to watch at least 15 minutes of the news every night to keep myself up to date on what’s going on in the world. It may sometimes be depressing, but it’s reality and we need to know about it!

6. Start Saving Money
Even if it starts out as $5, put a small amount of your paycheck towards your savings that you can only touch for emergency purposes. Unfortunately, new shoes don’t count as an emergency 🙂 Things pop up in life all the time and unexpected emergency purchases can sometimes take their toll on our bank accounts. If you already do this, then take it a step further and start saving for retirement or put money in a 401K. Saving for retirement starting in your 20’s makes a WORLD of difference to the way the numbers pan out when you’re at retirement age.

7. Life’s not a competition!
This one can take a long time to realize, and I am as guilty as others as sometimes feeling this need to compete. It sometimes feels almost impossible to not compare ourselves to others when we’re bombarded with photos of the insane vacations our friends might be taking, the new handbags they’re buying, or their new apartment. Remember: People only show what they want to show on social media. Things don’t equate to happiness. You are the only you. You are unique, one of a kind, and provide something that no one else can. If you need a little help with this one, check out my post here about comparison.

8. Spread Encouragement & Happiness
Whether you’re sending someone a puppy video, a “go get ’em” text, a handmade card, or even something that might seem as small as a smile, it usually means a lot to someone who needs it. People like being around other people who are happy. Be that person!


I hope you guys were able to get a little bit of inspiration from this list. Write to me in the comments to let me know your favorite way to empower your friends! 🙂


Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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