5 Ways to Get Healthier Hair

5 Ways to Get Healthier Hair- Brunch on Sunday


I get a lot of questions about how I do my hair and what my tips are, so I thought today I would share my advice for getting healthy hair with you guys! Having healthy hair is one of my bigger priorities within my beauty regimen, but it doesn’t always come easy! I have the most thick hair and many days are a battle of getting it combed out and taming it. I spent years having fried hair from getting my hair into insane styles for gymnastics, dance and cheerleading. I even had a year in college where I had legit spikes sticking up in the back of my head from an unfortunate “hair elastic ripping out a chunk of my hair and having to cut out the hair elastic with scissors” cheerleading game-day-hair accident. Don’t get frustrated, because great hair doesn’t happen overnight, and it definitely didn’t happen overnight for me! It’s important to apply these tips consistently and over time you will achieve all your wildest hair goals 🙂 I hope I made these tips as clear as possible, but if you guys have any questions feel free to write to me in the comments or even if you have a question about something I didn’t cover!

1. Hair Oils

Hair oils/serums, particularly the Moroccan Oil hair products have changed my life, you guys. There are few products that I buy again, and again, and again, but the Moroccan Oil hair serum is one of them. I particularly like Moroccan Oil because they have a “light” option that is for people with light-colored hair or fine hair. My hair isn’t fine, but I have always felt that as a blonde, so many hair serums make my hair look darker than it is and/or greasy. All you need is the tiniest bit on damp hair. I focus on my ends and then work it through the rest of my hair. If the price tag scares you, start small with the 0.85 fl. oz. (only $15 and lasts forever… plus you can take it on your carry on. Trust me- life saver). I sometimes even use this on the tips of dry hair if I have split ends that look particularly bad.

2. Air Drying Whenever Possible

I absolutely hate blow drying my hair. I find it so boring and time consuming on my thick hair; not to mention it’s bad for your hair. I really try to air dry my hair as much as possible; almost 100% of the time on the weekends and whenever possible during the week. This doesn’t mean you need to immediately throw away your blow dryer and wear wet hair to work. if surrendering your hair dryer isn’t an option, you can at least dry on the cool setting or limit how many days a week you dry your hair. Also, using a hair oil or serum will speed up your dry time dramatically! I do everything else in my morning routine – get dressed, makeup, breakfast, etc. before I dry my hair, that way it has air dried as much as possible before hitting it with my hair dryer. Then, you only have to blow dry for 5 minutes, tops!

3. Wide Tooth Combs / Wetbrush

Stop brushing your hair! I know curly haired girls understand where I’m coming from, but seriously, stop it. Invest in a wide tooth comb (for like $3) and you will thank me. If not, at least use a wet brush. However, I still prefer the wide tooth comb because I feel like even though the wet brush “doesn’t cause tangles,” it’s because it goes over a lot of the hair without actually fully brushing it out (if that makes sense). When my hair is especially bad and tangly, I’ll put conditioner in my hair in the shower, comb it out, rinse out completely and then comb out again fully when I’m out of the shower. You’ll be surprised how well the comb slides through your hair. Tip: start at your ends and work your way up, and it will be less of a headache!


4. Hair Masks / Coconut Oil

Make this part of your weekly regimen right now! For smoother, more hydrated hair. Moroccan Oil’s Restorative Hair Mask is unreal amazing but for a less expensive option reach toward your pantry and use coconut oil. Make sure to buy virgin, unrefined coconut oil. You can find it at pretty much every grocery store these days. I take about a tablespoon and have found that it works best if you melt it down in the microwave in a small dish for 20 seconds. If you’re feeling lazy like I usually am and have your whole coconut oil jar in the bathroom with you, just take a tablespoon amount in your hands, rub your hands together, and it will start to liquify. For best results you should keep this in your hair for at least 15 minutes or so, covered with a towel or shower cap. (Ps. I totally snag those shower caps from my hotel room every time I stay somewhere because they’re perfect for my hair masks haha). If you’re feeling lazy (all of us) or in a rush, just do the rest of your shower routine while you wait for it to set. Wash and condition like normal (you may have to wash twice to get it to come out depending on your hair type). After rinsing out and combing, your hair should be super silky and luxurious feeling. I even notice that it acts as a toner for my blonde hair and it looks lighter/less brassy when I’m done. Another option that I love for a hair mask is mixing together part of an avocado, olive oil, an egg, a little bit of coconut oil. Let me know in the comments if you guys are interested in this recipe and I’ll post!


5. Less Hot Tools/ Embrace Your Natural Hair!

I truly started feeling more satisfied with my hair when I stopped fighting what my hair wants to do naturally – be wavy. I remember frying the sh** out of my hair in high school and part of college because I lusted over those long, stick straight locks that so many girls had. Truth is, my hair just doesn’t want to do that and I had the worst split ends. No matter your hair type, with the right products, you can make your natural hair work! Be realistic with what your hair can do. Fighting your hair every single morning to force it into a style that it doesn’t want to do just gets exhausting. While I still admire those lucky ladies who have straight hair without doing a thing, I have learned to embrace my waves. Embrace your natural hair! You will be happier, and your hair will thank you by being healthier! ☺

Note: I am not a hair professional, this is just what works for me and my hair type! This post is in no way sponsored by Moroccan Oil and these are my own opinions. I’ve linked some of the products I talked about in this post. Click to shop, below!


Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same.

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  1. 3.12.16

    I LIVE for wide toothed combs! And of curse, also for Moroccan Oil products <3


    • 3.12.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Anything that makes my hair routine a little bit easier is a win!! Moroccan Oil is truly worth the money! Glad to hear you enjoy it too! Thanks for reading, Hayley 🙂

  2. 3.13.16
    Tina Kemper said:

    Loved the tips. I have a great Morrocan oil shampoo that I use. Also have a hair pick which I’ve used for years, even though my hair isn’t as long anymore. Makes it so easy to comb out, no breakage and no tangles.

  3. 3.13.16
    Sarah said:

    Great tips! I have envied your hair for years! Have you used biotin at all? I’ve been told it helps with strength and growth.

    • 3.14.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Aw thanks, Sarah! I’ve actually never tried it! My hair grows insanely fast which is great in some ways but shaving not so much haha. I might need to try it, My hair is long but could always use to be stronger!!

  4. 3.13.16
    Rick E. said:

    I’ve read every word and now feel like I’m putting a lot of pressure on $ally to keep growing her hair. Are there any support groups for guys like me who enjoy long beautiful hair on their beloved loved ones? I’m beginning to feel the weight and pangs of guilt. HELP ~ !

  5. 3.13.16
    Jamie Emerson said:

    Hi!!! Again loving this blog so much! I was wondering do you dye your hair a lot? I dye mine every month and I feel like it’s so gross from being dyed! Ordering Moroccan oil now!

    • 3.13.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Hi Jamie, thanks for reading! I only get highlights a couple times a year, because my natural hair color is blonde so I don’t really need to get it done much more than that.

  6. 3.13.16

    Amazing tips! Thanks for sharing!
    Mademoiselle Coconath

    • 3.14.16
      Mackenzie said:

      So glad that you found them helpful!! xo

  7. 3.15.16
    Estrella said:

    Thanks for sharing your hair tips. Your hair is absolutely gorgeous. Can’t wait to try these tips out for myself!

    • 3.16.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Aw thank you, Estrella!! So sweet of you to say that 🙂 I hope it works for you and you notice a positive change!!

  8. 3.16.16
    Jessica McCarthy said:

    What kind of shampoo do you use like for an every day thing?

    • 3.16.16
      Mackenzie said:

      Hey Jess, I usually use Tresseme, but lately I’ve been using Moroccan Oil Shampoo and Dove Daily Moisture Conditioner that I’m loving so far. I rarely splurge on shampoo and conditioner. I also like Pantene Pro-V’s moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, and the Organix Moroccan Oil that comes in the blue bottle at drugstores is really good too!

    • 3.16.16
      Mackenzie said:

      PS. I only wash my hair like 3 times a week. The rest of the days I only use conditioner.